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JMC: Financial results briefing materials for the fiscal year ending 2024/12
JMC: Summary of financial results for the fiscal year ending 2024/12 [Japanese GAAP] (unconsolidated)
Japan Post, Kampo Life Insurance, Japan Post Bank, Tokio Marine (14th) (5571-9989)
The above Calendar is just a schedule and is subject to change due to company circumstances. --------------------------------------- February 14 (Friday) <5571> Excite HD <5582> Grid <5587> Inbound PF <5588> First A <5590> Net Stars <5591> AVILEN <5592> Kusuri no Madoguchi <5616> Rain and Wind and Sun <56
JMC has introduced a large low-pressure casting furnace and a large blast room to the concept center.
On the 10th, JMC <5704.T> announced the introduction of a large low-pressure casting furnace and a large blast room in the 8th phase of its concept center (Iida City, Nagano Prefecture, foundry) in February. The company has introduced a large casting furnace capable of handling giga-cast class castings in 2023 and has proactively started to establish a supply system for large prototypes. Anticipating an expansion in the demand for mass production, it has implemented equipment upgrades with the aim of further enhancing production capacity. The closing price on the 10th was a change compared to the previous weekend.
Individual stock information.
Space Market <4487.T> has risen for five consecutive days. Interior coordination specializing in rental spaces and minpaku facilities will be carried out by Sisteria (Osaka City), and Emiena (also in Osaka) operates rental spaces, while Crouton (Shibuya, Tokyo) will be 100% owned subsidiaries in April. JMC <5704.T> has revised down its performance forecast for the previous December term, lowering the standalone operating profit from the previous 115 million yen to 88 million yen (a decrease of 83.6% compared to two periods ago).
Airidge, Techfarm, and others.
Tech Farm has revised its financial estimates, projecting an operating profit of 0.55 billion yen for this period, up from 0.4 billion yen. Iridge has made an upward revision, projecting an operating profit of 0.24 billion yen, increased from 0.15 billion yen. Property DBK has adjusted its financial estimates, forecasting revenue of 3.3 billion yen for this period, down from 3.98 billion yen. Space Marketing has acquired stocks of Siteria, which specializes in interior coordination for rental spaces and private lodgings, and has made it a subsidiary, also handling the operation of spaces.