CHOOBEE: Change in Boardroom - MR TAN HAN LEONG (Amended Announcement)
CHOOBEE: Change in Boardroom - MR TAN HAN LEONG
CHOOBEE: Change of Company Secretary - CHONG KWAI YOONG
CHOOBEE: Change of Company Secretary - CHAN MAY YOKE
CHOOBEE: General Meetings: Outcome of Meeting
CHOOBEE: Change of Company Secretary - CHAN EOI LENG
CHOOBEE: General Meetings: Notice of Meeting
CHOOBEE: Annual Report & CG Report - 2023
CHOOBEE: Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-Back Authority
Choo Bee Metal Industries: Change of Company Secretary - CHONG KWAI YOONG
Choo Bee Metal Industries: Change of Company Secretary - CHAN WAI MAN
Choo Bee Metal Industries: Change in Boardroom - MR SOON HEAN HOOI
Choo Bee Metal Industries: General Meetings: Outcome of Meeting
Choo Bee Metal Industries: Change in Audit Committee - MR LIM CHEE HOONG
Choo Bee Metal Industries: Change in Audit Committee - PUAN SRI SHAHRIZAN BINTI ABDULLAH
Choo Bee Metal Industries: Change in Audit Committee - MR NG LEONG TECK
Choo Bee Metal Industries: Change in Boardroom - MR LIM CHEE HOONG
Choo Bee Metal Industries: Annual Report & CG Report - 2022
Choo Bee Metal Industries: Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-Back Authority
Choo Bee Metal Industries: General Meetings: Notice of Meeting