CN Stock MarketDetailed Quotes

600030 CITIC

  • 27.05
  • +0.03+0.11%
Noon Break Mar 26 11:29 CST
400.90BMarket Cap19.93P/E (TTM)

CITIC Key Stats

According to the latest financial report of CITIC, the latest earnings per share (TTM) for the company is 1.09. Investing in companies with strong earnings per share can potentially provide higher returns.

Currency: CNY

Cumulative Quarterly


Analyzing a company's fundamentals? Check out CITIC's latest financial report to see how much their book value per share (BVPS) is currently at 17.59.

Currency: CNY

Cumulative Quarterly


Current Ratio
If you are evaluating a company's liquidity, current ratio is an important measure to consider. The latest financial report of CITIC shows that the company's current ratio is --, indicating healthy liquidity.

Currency: CNY

Cumulative Quarterly


Quick Ratio
Another liquidity indicator to closely monitor is quick ratio. According to the latest financial results of CITIC, the quick ratio is --, indicating that the company can meet its short-term debt obligations.

Currency: CNY

Cumulative Quarterly


Want to learn more about the financial health of CITIC? The latest ROE figure is 6.05%, indicating that the company has stable profitability.

Currency: CNY

Cumulative Quarterly


Investors looking for profitability indicators may be interested in ROA. According to the latest financial results of CITIC, the total asset return on investment (ROA) is 1.10%.

Currency: CNY

Cumulative Quarterly


Gross Margin
Gross margin can provide insight into a company's pricing strategy and cost structure. Check CITIC's latest financial report to see how their gross margin is doing - currently at --.

Currency: CNY

Cumulative Quarterly


Net Margin
For investors focusing on operational efficiency, net profit margin is an important indicator. According to the latest financial results of CITIC, the net profit margin is 37.82%, which is a good sign for its profitability.

Currency: CNY

Cumulative Quarterly


FY: Financial Year. Refers to the 10-K file disclosed by the listed company to the SEC.

Q: Quarter. Refers to the 10-Q file disclosed by the listed company to the SEC. Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 are quarterly reports each with a span of 3 months; Q6 and Q9 are cumulative reports, with Q6 including 6 months and Q9 9 months.