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Animal Advanced Medical Care - Revised performance and Dividends Financial Estimates for the fiscal period ending March 2025, decided on changes to the dividend policy and special bonuses.
On the 14th, Japan Animal Advanced Medical Center <6039> announced the revision of the Financial Estimates and Dividends for the fiscal year ending March 2025, along with changes in the dividend policy and the decision to grant special bonuses to employees, which was disclosed on May 9, 2024. The performance is progressing smoothly due to the steady growth of the small animal secondary medical market and the strengthening of the medical system. Based on this performance, a decision was made to grant special bonuses to employees and to increase investments in Medical Devices and medical equipment in the fourth quarter (January-March 2025).
Animal Advanced Medical --- In the third quarter, double-digit revenue and profit growth was achieved, and an upward revision of the full-year Financial Estimates and an increase in the year-end Dividends were announced.
The Japan Animal Advanced Medical Center <6039> announced its consolidated financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025 (April - December 2024) on the 14th. Revenue increased to 3.942 billion yen, up 26.5% from the same period last year, operating profit rose to 0.59 billion yen, up 70.8% year-on-year, recurring profit increased to 0.59 billion yen, up 76.2%, and the quarterly net profit attributed to shareholders of the parent company was 0.409 billion yen, up 85.5% from the previous year. With a smooth recruitment of veterinarians at existing hospitals, the capacity for medical treatment has improved significantly, leading to a substantial increase in the number of treatments.
<Individual Stock Trends> Dainippon Seika, Takasago, Animal High Medical Care, Shinnippon Ken, Haseko = In the afternoon of the 14th.
Dainichi Seika <4116.T> - For the fiscal year ending March 2025, the ordinary dividend forecast has been raised from 51 yen to 75 yen, and the total amount including a special dividend of 15 yen has been increased from the previous prediction of 66 yen to 90 yen (the previous year included a special dividend of 30 yen, totaling 70 yen). Takasago International <4914.T> - The consolidated performance forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025 has been upwardly revised, with the end-of-term dividend forecast increased from 80 yen to 160 yen (previous year’s value was 35 yen). Animal Advanced Medical Care <6039.T> - The consolidated performance forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025 has been upwardly revised, and the end-of-term.
Japan Animal Referral Medical Center: Presentation of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
Japan Animal Referral Medical Center: Notice regarding revisions to earnings forecasts, revisions to dividend forecasts (dividend increases), changes in dividend policies, and decisions on special bonus payments to employees
Japan Animal Referral Medical Center: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)