The company was founded in 1985 and is a key enterprise in Shengzhou. Its main business is the production and supply of thermal products and electric power products. The company uses a backpressure cogeneration method for production and supply. This production method is not only compared to traditional condensing gas power plants and cogeneration enterprises, but also conforms to the principle of hierarchical use of energy and completely avoids large condensing end energy losses; it also leverages the environmental advantages of new circulating fluidized bed boilers to centrally control pollutant emissions, so that energy can be used efficiently and cleanly. The main business in China and Hong Kong grew steadily during the reporting period, had good profitability, and maintained a high gross profit margin in the industry. The company uses cogeneration to manufacture and supply thermal products, compressed air and electric power products. The main products are steam products, electric power products, and compressed air.