Geniee: Report on the Status of Purchases of Treasury Stock by the Company (Based on Article 24-6, Paragraph 1 of the Law)
Geniee: Revised treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
Geniee: Report on a large shareholding
Change Report (short-term mass transfer)
Geniee: The payment for the issuance of securities by a third party has been completed, and the reduction of the amount of capital stock and capital reserve at the time of issuance takes effect.
Geniee: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the implementation and completion of share buybacks from specific shareholders.
Geniee: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
Correction report (Large shareholding report / Change report)
Mass Ownership Report
Geniee: Announcements of individual stock: Notice of purchase of treasury stock from specific shareholder.
Geniee: Notice regarding issuance of type shares through third-party allotment, partial changes to the articles of incorporation, and reduction in capital and capital reserves
Change Report
Geniee: Notice regarding share repurchases from specific shareholders, major shareholders, other affiliated companies, and controlling shareholders other than the parent company
Geniee: Notice regarding treasury stock disposal through third-party allotment due to the continuation and introduction of stock benefit trusts for employees
Geniee: Securities registration form (reference method)
Geniee: Change report.
Geniee Inc: Change report.
Geniee Inc: Change report.
Geniee Inc: Change report.
Geniee Inc: Report on the acquisition of own shares (in accordance with Article 24-6, paragraph 1)