Shiba Inu Lead Dev Says Its Time To Level Shytoshi Kusama took to the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) hours ago to share information about the project’s prospects with the Shiba Inu community. In the X post, the lead dev declared that the time has come for Shiba Inu to “showcase its true power.” At first, Kusama mentioned that Shiba Inu had made new acquaintances, with which he would be having a “full-day meeting” today.
Shibaura Mechatronics Stock Forum
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$Shibaura Mechatronics (6590.JP)$
Shytoshi Kusama took to the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) hours ago to share information about the project’s prospects with the Shiba Inu community. In the X post, the lead dev declared that the time has come for Shiba Inu to “showcase its true power.” At first, Kusama mentioned that Shiba Inu had made new acquaintances, with which he would be having a “full-day meeting” today.
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