Taiyo Technolex: Extraordinary Report
Taiyo Technolex: Notice regarding the new executive structure
Taiyo Technolex: Progress status and changes in the planning period based on plans aimed at complying with listing maintenance standards
Taiyo Technolex: Confirmation letter
Taiyo Technolex: Internal Control Report - 64th Term (2023/12/21 - 2024/12/20)
Taiyo Technolex: Financial Report - The 64th Term (2023/12/21-2024/12/20)
Taiyo Technolex: Corporate Governance Report 2025/03/18
Taiyo Technolex: Notice of abolition of mailing shareholder communications
Taiyo Technolex: Electronic provision measures for the convocation of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Taiyo Technolex: 2024 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Convocation Notice and Shareholders' Meeting Materials
Taiyo Technolex: Independent Officer Registration Form
Taiyo Technolex: Notice regarding recruitment of people who wish to retire
Taiyo Technolex: Response to realize management that is conscious of capital costs and stock prices
Taiyo Technolex: Summary of financial results for the fiscal year ending 2024/12 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated)
Taiyo Technolex: Notice regarding revisions to full-year earnings forecasts
Taiyo Technolex: Notice regarding organizational reforms and changes in officers
Taiyo Technolex: Notice regarding changes in representative directors (additional election) and changes in officers
Taiyo Technolex: Summary of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2024/12 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated)
Taiyo Technolex: Confirmatory letter.
Taiyo Technolex: Quarterly Report - 64th Quarter 2 (2024/03/21-2024/06/20)