Mansei: Change Report
Mansei: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
Mansei: Change Report (short-term mass transfer)
Change Report
Mansei: Notice regarding the results and termination of treasury stock acquisition due to an off-site share repurchase transaction (ToSTNet-3), and changes in major shareholders
Mansei: Notice Concerning Repurchase of Treasury Shares and Repurchase of Treasury Shares through Off-Site Share Purchase Transactions (ToSTNet-3)
Mansei: Change Report
Mansei: Change Report
Mansei: Change report.
Mansei Corp: Change report.
Mansei Corp: Change report.
Mansei Corp: Change report.
Mansei Corp: Revised report (substantial shareholding report / change report)
Mansei Corp: Change report.
Mansei Corp: A large number of reports held
Mansei Corp: Notice on the change of the number of shares in the unit, the consolidated shares and the partial change of the articles of association
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