ASICS: Partial Corrections of the Notice of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
ASICS: Notice of convocation and partial revisions to general shareholders' meeting materials
ASICS: ASICS’opinion on Institutional Shareholders Services, Inc.’s recommendation
ASICS: Views on voting rights advisory firm ISS's opposition recommendation to bill No. 7 scheduled to be held at ASICS's 71st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
ASICS: Hope on Establishment of ASICS Foundation
ASICS: Thoughts for the establishment of the ASICS Foundation
ASICS: Notice of the 71th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
ASICS: Measures to be provided electronically in connection with the notice of convocation of the 71st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
ASICS: Notice of Convocation of the 71st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Shareholders' Meeting Materials
ASICS: Corporate Governance Report 2024/11/08
ASICS: Corporate Governance Report 2024/03/26
ASICS: Internal Control Report - 70th Term (2023/01/01 - 2023/12/31)
ASICS: Notice of the 70th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
ASICS: Notice of Convocation of the 70th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Shareholders' Meeting Materials
ASICS: Electronic provision measures in connection with the notice of convocation of the 70th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
ASICS: Corporate Governance Report 2024/01/24
ASICS: Notice Concerning Changes in Representative Directors, Directors, and Executive Officers
ASICS: Corporate Governance Report 2023/03/28
ASICS: Internal Control Report - 69th Period (2022/01/01 - 2022/12/31)
ASICS: Notice of the 69th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders