ELECOM, ASICS, ETC (additional) Rating
Downgrade - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<9204> Skymark Morgan S "Overweight" "Equal Weight" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<3861
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 1) = Elecom, NSSOL, ETC.
◎ Nomura Securities (three-tiered: Buy > neutral > Reduce) Elecom <6750.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 2,100 yen → 2,300 yen JFE HD <5411.T> -- "Neutral" → "Neutral", 1,950 yen → 1,800 yen Sumitomo Metal <5713.T> -- "Neutral" → "Neutral", 4,100 yen → 3,700 yen Tamron <7740.T> -- "Neutral" → "Neutral", 4,200 yen → 4,000 yen ◎ Daiwa Securities (5
Daiwa House, Shimizu Corporation, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------- <1979> Taiki Company Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------- <1801> Taisei Corporation Morgan S 8100 yen 8800 yen <1803> Shimizu Corporation Morgan
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks turned into Buy Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1944> Kinden 3328 3122 <2264> Morinaga Milk 31172937 <2294> Kakiya Main Store 30102908 <2664> Kawachi Pharmaceutical 28052656 <2929> Pharma F 904830 <3086> J Front 19021841 <3088> Matsukiyo Cocoa 23992281 <3107>
Sanrio Plans Transition to Company With Audit and Supervisory Committee
Nippon Electric Glass, Japan Post Insurance, ETC (Additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Changed After ---------------------------------------------------------- <6807> Wireless Electronics Macquarie "Neutral" "Outperform" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Changed After ---------------------------------------------------------- <3349> Cosmos Pharma
Rating information (Target Price change - part 2) = SOMPOH, special ceramics, ETC.
◎Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities (three stages: Overweight > Equal Weight > Underweight) SOMPOH<8630.T> ―― "Overweight" → "Overweight", 5,130 yen → 5,580 yen Dai-ichi Life Holdings<8750.T> ―― "Overweight" → "Overweight", 5,310 yen → 5,350 yen Sanrio<8136.T> ―― "Equal Weight" → "Equal Weight", 4,100 yen → 6,500 yen T&D Holdings<
Stock News Premium = MSCI Index, in May, the net decrease of Japanese stocks has stopped, with new candidates for inclusion such as IHI.
The decline in the number of Japanese stocks included in the MSCI Index seems to be temporarily halted. However, there is a background of adjustments in US stocks, and if they reverse, the usual negative trend may continue. <Daiwa Securities has a Financial Estimates of "3 increases and 3 decreases" depending on US stocks> The MSCI Index, which is benchmarked by global Institutions, undergoes regular quarterly reviews. Japanese stocks that make up the major MSCI All Country World Index continue to experience a net decrease due to the decline in Market Cap ranking.
Jefferies Remains a Buy on Sanrio Company (SNROF)
The Nikkei average is down about 880 yen, showing a weak trend after an initial Sell lead = morning of the 11th.
On the morning of the 11th, the Nikkei average stock price fluctuated around 36,150 yen, down about 880 yen from the previous day. At 9:54 a.m., it hit 36,042 yen and 35 sen, down 985 yen and 92 sen. In an interview with Fox News, President Trump stated regarding the impact of tariff policies on the U.S. economy that "it will take a little time, but it will definitely be a wonderful situation," and mentioned that the economy is "in a transitional phase," which could be interpreted as accepting a recession. On the same local date, the U.S. stock market also...
The Nikkei average is up about 30 yen, initially buying, but has turned downward, fluctuating around the previous week's closing price = the morning of the 10th.
At around 10:14 AM on the 10th, the Nikkei Stock Average is fluctuating around 36,920 yen, which is about 30 yen higher than the previous weekend. Immediately after the opening at 9:00 AM, it reached 37,013.34 yen, an increase of 126.17 yen. The US stocks on the 7th, influenced by Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's comments indicating "uncertainty is increasing, but the US economy remains strong," rebounded. Japanese stocks also reacted to this trend, with buying leading. However, selling to wait for a rebound is on the rise.
March 7th [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] 【Material Stocks】 Kanamoto <9678> 3130 yen (3/6) Rental of Construction Machinery is the main business. The first quarter financial results have been announced. Operating profit is 4.993 billion yen, a 67.2% increase compared to the same period last year. In addition to disaster recovery works and infrastructure maintenance, various large-scale projects are also continuing, and while there are regional differences, overall rental demand for construction machinery remains steady. The operating profit forecast for the fiscal year ending October 2025 is 15.1 billion yen, a 3.6% increase compared to the previous period. This period starts off well.
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 2) = Kakaku.com, JACR, ETC.
◎ Mizuho Securities (three-tiered: Buy > Hold > underperform) Kakaku.com <2371.T> --- "Buy" → "Buy", 2900 yen → 2600 yen KH Neochem <4189.T> --- "Buy" → "Buy", 2700 yen → 3200 yen Takeda Pharmaceutical <4502.T> --- "Buy" → "Buy", 5350 yen → 5400 yen Omron <6645.T> --- "Buy" → "Buy", 7000 yen → 6700 yen Panasonic <6752.T> --- "Buy" → "Buy", 2160 yen
JP Movers | Socionext Rose 12.69%, Leading Nikkei 225 Components, Fujikura Topped Turnover List
Market sentiment was stable today as Nikkei 225 components continued to trade sideways, with Socionext(6526.JP) being the top gainer today, rising 12.69% to close at 2300.0 yen. In addition, the top loser was Seven & i Holdings(3382.JP),falling 11.69% to end at 2118.0 yen.
The Nikkei average rose by 56 yen, rebounding for the first time in three days, and nearly 70% of the Main Board stocks increased in value = Morning session on the 27th.
On the 27th, during the morning session, the Nikkei average stock price rose by 56.59 yen to 38,198.96 yen, rebounding for the first time in three days. The TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Price Index) also increased by 13.23 points to 2,729.63 points. At 10:04 AM, the Nikkei average reached 38,369.96 yen, up by 227.59 yen. This came after NVIDIA, a leading US semiconductor company, announced its financial results for the fiscal year ending January 2025 and its revenue forecasts for the period from February to April 2025, which exceeded market expectations, positively impacting Japanese stocks.
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks for Sell conversion Market Code Stock Name End Price SAR Main Board <167A> RYOSAN RYOYO 2505 2637 <1726> Bru. HD 340348 <1808> Haseko 19782081 <1813> Fudo Tetra 22062293 <1833> Okumura Group 42504415 <1873> Japan House HD 322331 <1885> Toa Construction 13191458 <1942> Kansai Electric Company 24
Sanrio Smartwatches? Sign Me Up.
JP Movers | Shiseido Rose 13.05%, Leading Nikkei 225 Components, Disco Topped Turnover List
Market sentiment was stable today as Nikkei 225 components continued to trade sideways, with Shiseido(4911.JP) being the top gainer today, rising 13.05% to close at 2669.0 yen. In addition, the top loser was FUJIFILM Holdings(4901.JP),falling 4.64% to end at 3104.0 yen.
The Nikkei average is down about 180 yen, with trading volumes led by Disco, IHI, and Sanrio.
At around 2:03 PM on the 19th, the Nikkei average stock price fluctuated near 39,090 yen, down by about 180 yen compared to the previous day. The market opened with a sell-off prevailing in the second half. The exchange rate is around 151.70 yen per dollar, indicating a slight appreciation of the yen, contributing to a weak trend. In the top volume stocks around 2:03 PM (Main Board): JDI <6740.T>, NTT <9432.T>, Rakuten <4755.T>, Mitsubishi UFJ <8306.T>, SoftBank <9434.T>.
Stocks that moved or were traded in the first half of the session.
*Kurashiki Spinning <3106> 6530 +690 Private Equity fund reportedly locked on in some Broadcasting. *Sanken Electric <6707> 6328 +499 The rise in stock price of U.S. Allegro also stimulated. *Giftie <4449> 1511 +118 Daiwa Securities raised the Target Price. *Taiyo HD <4626> 4130 +300 It has become clear that Oasis Management has a large Shareholding. *Japan Hume <5262> 1873 +118 Demand for repairing aging water pipes.