AMG Holdings: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
AMG Holdings: Announcements of individual stock acquisition results and acquisition completion through off-auction own share purchase trading (ToSTNeT-3).
AMG Holdings: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the acquisition of own shares and the purchase of own shares through off-auction trading (ToSTNeT-3)
AMG Holdings: Notice on the completion of the disposal of own shares through the allocation of a third party
AMG Holdings: Notice on the disposal of one's own shares through distribution by a third party
AMG Holdings Co Ltd: Revised report (substantial shareholding report / change report)
AMG Holdings Co Ltd: Revised report (substantial shareholding report / change report)
AMG Holdings Co Ltd: Change report.
AMG Holdings Co Ltd: A large number of reports held
AMG Holdings Co Ltd: Notice on the completion of the disposal of own shares through the allocation of a third party
AMG Holdings Co Ltd: Notice on the disposal of one's own shares through distribution by a third party