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Stocks with interesting taste seen from the volume change such as Cellseed.
Stock closing prices compared to the previous day Volume *<9212> GEI 45,114,592,400 *<5618> Nile 35,880,599,400 *<8707> Iwai Koss Corp 2,526,302,972,000 *<7776> Cell Seed 410,369,261,600 *<7198> SBI Aruhi 87,463,461,800 *<4395> Acreet 7,451,239,400 *<2408> KG Information 6,071,988,200 *<2047> India Bear 383,545,956 *<4691> Washinto.
Stocks that moved the day before part 1: Renascience, Iwai Cosmo, Hioki Electric, ETC.
Ticker Symbol <Code> Closing Price on the 27th ⇒ Change from the previous day. Mizuho Medical <4595> 1524 +932 Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending December 2024 revised upwards. Japan Kogyo <5279> 810 +47 Operating profit for the cumulative third quarter increased by 78.1%, shifting from a significant loss in the first half to a large profit. Toho Steel <5423> 1560 +33 Performance forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025 revised upwards. PLANT <7646> 1537 -114 Operating profit decreased by 21.5% in the first quarter. Rena Science <4889> 1.
Afternoon session [Active stocks and traded stocks]
*Mizuho Medical <4595> 1524 +9 Revised upwards the profit and Dividends estimates for the fiscal year ending December 2024. *Japan Investment <5279> 810 +47 The cumulative operating profit for the third quarter increased by 78.1%, turning from a loss in the first half to a significant gain. *Tokyo Steel <5423> 1560 +33 Upgraded the performance forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 2025. *PLANET <7646> 1537 -11 Operating profit for the first quarter decreased by 21.5%. *Renascience <4889> 1325 +28 North Su
Emerging Markets Stock Digest: Silver Egg plummets, Renascience continues to rise significantly.
<4889> Renascience 1325 +285 significantly continued to rise, temporarily hitting the trading limit high. After the market closed on the 22nd, it was announced that a research laboratory for the Northwestern University Potocsnak Longevity Institute would be established within the company's research facility in Japan, leading to a significant increase, and it continues to be well-received, updating its year-to-date high. This laboratory will focus on measuring human biological age and the aging Indicators of organs (immune system, new vascular system, nervous system, metabolic system, etc.).
Stocks reaching the upper and lower limits in the first half of the trading session.
■ Limit Up <2375> Gigworks <4889> Renascience <5246> ELEMENTS <5618> Nile <7776> CellSeed <9212> Green Earth Institute ■ Limit Down < > *Includes temporary limit ups and downs (indicative prices).
Hot Stocks Digest (Morning Session): Iwai Cosmos, Advantest, Silver Egg, ETC.
HIOKI Electric <6866>: 8040 yen (+590 yen) has made a significant rebound. The financial results for the fiscal year ending December 2024 were announced at the end of last week. The operating profit was 7.53 billion yen, a 5.4% decrease compared to the previous fiscal year, falling short of the previously expected 8 billion yen. However, the decline rate has narrowed from an 18.0% decrease year-on-year at the cumulative point of the third quarter. Moreover, for the fiscal year ending December 2025, the forecast is 8.34 billion yen, a 10.8% increase compared to the previous fiscal year, leading to a predominant positive reaction. Profitability is being enhanced by dynamically reviewing product prices, ETC.