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Interesting stocks seen from changes in Volume, etc.
Closing price of stocks compared to the previous day Volume * <7357> Geocode 727100462300 * <9479> Impress 157163240900 * <6276> Sirius V 33831234700 * <6382> Trini Co 1140108114000 * <2042> Growth ETN 700621111355 * <4241> Atect 4251548000 * <6337> Tesek 159581152300 * <3299> Mugen E 1988254880300 *
Stocks that moved the day before part 2 Seer Inc, Seer Inc, Intest Corp, ETC.
Stock Name <Code> Closing Price on the 29th ⇒ Day-on-Day Change Unitika <3103> 151 -6 Short-term funds are selling off due to a sense of rebound completion. KLab <3656> 154 -8 A sense of completion may also be present in the rapid rebound. Japan Glass <5202> 383 -15 Recently, there was a rise due to a review of European production systems. Koei Tecmo <3635> 1931.5 -58.5 Iwai Cosmo Securities downgraded its investment determination. Disco <6146> 45310 +80
WinTest, Impress, Tokokata ETC.
<4208> UBE 2329.5 +1.5 showed a slight rebound. On the previous day, a downward revision of the performance for the fiscal year ending in March 2025 was announced, with operating profit revised down from the previous estimate of 27 billion yen to 16 billion yen. The market estimate was around 24 billion yen, which was seen as a more significant downturn than expected. The sluggish sales of caprolactam and other products were behind this. Additionally, due to special losses from production stoppages and impairment losses, the net profit was revised down from a surplus of 29.5 billion yen to a deficit of 17.5 billion yen. The progress of such structural reforms is positive.
Stocks that moved or were traded in the first half of the session.
*Seer Inc <3458> 1614 - Announced MBO implementation, adjusting TOB price to 1700 yen. *PKSHA Technology <3993> 4110 +495 Expectations for cost reduction in AI services business due to the rise of Deep Seek. *Lact-Japan <3139> 3325 +374 Investment rating upgrades expected from UBS Securities. *Cellsys <3663> 1430 +150 Seen as materials for the expansion of subscription sales. *Appi
Insider decrases its stake in Impress Holdings(9479.JP) to 0.0%
On Nov 18, MIRI Capital Management LLC submitted the Change Report to Ministry of Finance. The report shows that MIRI Capital Management LLC decreased their holdings in $Impress Holdings(9479.JP)$,
Japanese stock buybacks this week (11/11~11/15)
――――11/11――――$KYB(7242.JP)$ will buy back up to 4.6 million shares, 18.4% of its outstanding shares (excluding its own shares), for an amount of JPY¥ 20 billion.$Persol Holdings(2181.JP)$ will