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List of stocks breaking through clouds (weekly) (part 2)
○ List of stocks below the cloud in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1726> Br. HD 343 346 354 <1911> Sumitomo Forestry 491954765005.5 <1952> Shin Nippon Air Conditioning 16891896.25 1707 <1963> JGC HD 116012181640 <2607> Fuji Oil G 26792811.75 2691.5 <287
KDDI, 3Q operating profit increased by 2.0% to 864.5 billion yen.
The results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025 announced by KDDI (9433) show that revenue increased by 2.3% year-on-year to 4 trillion 364.1 billion 95 million yen, and operating profit rose by 2% to 864.5 billion 66 million yen. The mobile and personal-oriented business and corporate support for digital transformation (DX) performed well. The equity method investment profits from major convenience store Lawson also increased. The fiscal year 2025 performance outlook remains unchanged from the previous estimates. [Positive Assessment] (5035) HOUS.
transcosmos: Summary of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated) (completion of mid-term review by certified public accountants, etc.)
List of convertible stocks (Part 5) [List of stocks with Parabolic Cigna Corp signals]
○ List of stocks converted to Sell in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <7718> Canon Inc-Spons Adr 1925 <7721> Tokyo Keiki 30053365 <7723> Aichi Clock 18621948 <7733> Olympus 22652396 <7744> Noritz Steel Co., Ltd. 48205120 <7747> Asahi Intec 25552699 <7751> Canon Inc-Spons Adr 49235097 <7
Hitachi, upward revision on March 25, operating profit 930 billion yen, up from 875 billion yen.
Hitachi <9501> announced a revision of the performance forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025. Revenue has been revised upward from 9 trillion 150 billion yen to 9 trillion 700 billion yen, and operating profit has been increased from 875 billion yen to 930 billion yen. The revenue of its subsidiary, Hitachi Energy, engaged in power transmission and distribution networks, is growing, and the "Lumada" business that supports corporate digital transformation (DX) is also performing well. The depreciation of the yen against the Exchange Rates (1 dollar = 145 yen) is also boosting revenue. [Positive Assessment] <95
Transcosmos Inc 9-Mos Net Y7.58B Vs Net Y8.18B