Yamada Holdings: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the completion of payment for the disposal of treasury stock as restricted stock compensation.
Yamada Holdings: Change report.
Yamada Holdings: Change Report
Yamada Holdings: Change Report
Yamada Holdings: Change report.
Yamada Holdings: Announcements of individual stocks regarding disposal of treasury stock as share-based compensation with transfer restrictions.
Yamada Holdings: Notice regarding disposal of treasury stock through third-party allotment
Yamada Holdings: Securities registration form (reference method)
Yamada Holdings: Notice Concerning Completion of Payment of Issuance of New Shares as Stock Compensation with Transfer Restricted Shares
Yamada Holdings: Notice Concerning Determination of Issuance Details of Stock Compensation Type Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights)
Yamada Holdings: Issuance of stock compensation type stock options (stock acquisition rights)
Yamada Holdings: Notice Concerning Issuance of New Shares as Stock Compensation with Transfer Restricted Shares
Yamada Holdings: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
Yamada Holdings: Notice regarding the status and termination of share repurchases
Yamada Holdings: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
Yamada Holdings: Notice regarding the status of share buybacks
Yamada Holdings: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
Yamada Holdings: Notice regarding the status of share buybacks
Yamada Holdings: Report on the acquisition of own shares (in accordance with Article 24-6, paragraph 1)
Yamada Holdings: Notice on the acquisition of one's own shares