Moomoo Buddy
Dear client, We will not adjust your cost price unless you make a transaction. If you feel that your profit and loss is not right, we suggest you contact customer service for more details. Please feel free to contact us via MooMoo-Me-Customer Service-Online Inquiry or hotline (+65)-6321 8888 Thank you for your support! Have a nice day!
OPMoomoo Buddy
Just a thought that dividend should be a part of the profit for the ticker. ~ I'll have to track my P&L outside Moomoo if that's the case.
JSTI Group's low P/E ratio is due to its forecasted growth being lower than the wider market. Shareholders accept this as they believe future earnings won't provide pleasant surprises, making a significant share price rise unlikely.
The EPS and share price divergence suggests possible over-hype. The revenue drop, potentially jeopardizing EPS, might explain the lower share price. Long term shareholders' 3% yearly gain over half a decade indicates that if sustainable growth continues, the current sell-off could be a worthy opportunity.
moo moo is showing that I'm making a loss of this ticker. they didn't adjust my cost after the dividend...hmmmm
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