684.45MMarket Cap359.49P/E (TTM)
65.900High62.330Low886.33KVolume64.350Open64.450Pre Close56.48MTurnover8.15%Turnover RatioLossP/E (Static)10.88MShares105.00052wk High12.22P/B684.45MFloat Cap8.25052wk Low--Dividend TTM10.88MShs Float105.000Historical High--Div YieldTTM5.54%Amplitude8.250Historical Low63.727Avg Price1Lot Size
信美FinAiLab : so how can we trust a fund like a black box? just because we are all risky guys?
一个来自马来的韭菜 信美FinAiLab : Even if it is the stock market, there is still black box operations. It's up to you to watch or not.