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Santa Clause Came and Went Without Bringing Gifts | Weekly Buzz
Friday? More Like Grinch Day | Wall Street Today
The USA has approved the sale of advanced air-to-air Missiles to Japan, with a potential amount reaching 3.64 billion USD.
The United States has approved a potential Trade to sell air-to-air Missiles produced by RTX Corp to Japan, amounting to up to 3.64 billion USD. Despite the fact that on Friday, President Joe Biden blocked the acquisition of United States Steel by Japan Steel for 14.1 billion USD on National Security grounds, the statement approving this Weapon Trade underscores the long-standing alliance between the two countries. The U.S. State Department stated in a release that the military sale aligns with U.S. foreign policy and National Security, and helps Japan protect its territory and U.S. personnel stationed in Japan. The statement noted that the Japanese government proposed to purchase up to 1,200 AIM-120D-3.
Santa Claus Came Without Rallying the Troops | Live Stock
Express News | RTX's Raytheon Awarded $946 Million Contract to Provide Additional Patriot Air Defense Systems to Romania
Lockheed Martin Lowered at Deutsche Bank, Worried About China and F-35 Sales
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