29.71BMarket Cap31.60P/E (TTM)
20.060High19.660Low3.85MVolume19.690Open19.630Pre Close76.68MTurnover23.27352wk High0.26%Turnover Ratio1.49BShares19.10052wk Low0.63EPS TTM29.67BFloat Cap29.499Historical High34.33P/E (Static)1.49BShs Float0.877Historical Low0.58EPS LYR2.04%Amplitude1.53Dividend TTM1.88P/B1Lot Size7.68%Div YieldTTM
WeedStreet : best way to automate buying ETF's and contributing to TFSA?
DanDha : Great read, thanks!!!!
Lauren_investement OP WeedStreet : You can automate inside the tfsa account in moomoo.
Bravo Jordan WeedStreet : You can set up recurring payments in the moomoo to buy ETFs. The moo-moo will withdraw money from your account and buy it automatically.
WeedStreet Lauren_investement OP : What I want to do is deposit $200 monthly into my TFSA and at the same time buy max XEQT with it. should i just cancel the auto deposit of $200 and then under automations turn on recurring investments for $200 every month?
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