45.97BMarket Cap55.80P/E (TTM)
103.015High100.450Low620.73KVolume100.770Open100.440Pre Close63.06MTurnover103.01552wk High0.14%Turnover Ratio453.67MShares58.08052wk Low1.816EPS TTM45.89BFloat Cap103.015Historical High64.47P/E (Static)452.84MShs Float0.042Historical Low1.572EPS LYR2.55%Amplitude0.83Dividend TTM4.43P/B1Lot Size0.82%Div YieldTTM
Wheaton Precious Metals Corp Stock Forum
In periods of uncertainty, it is crutial to have defensive positions. No defense, no offense. After we set up defensive postions, we know we will do good even if something bad haapens. With the defensive position set, we are in a good shape to find some...
Although gold is considered a better safe-haven asset, silver offers several compelling reasons for consideration. The silver market is smaller and more volatile than gold, which means it has the potential for higher percentage gains.
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