Moomoo US Help Center-Withholding Tax on Publicly Traded Partnerships (PTP) Securities and Trading Arrangements
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      Withholding Tax on Publicly Traded Partnerships (PTP) Securities and Trading Arrangements

      Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Sections 1446(a) and 1446(f) of the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS), from January 1, 2023, holdings, trading, or transfers of Publicly Traded Partnership (PTP) securities by a non-US person shall be subject to the following withholding tax:

      ● Sales, trading, or transfers of PTP securities shall be subject to a withholding tax equal to 10% of the transaction amount;

      ● Dividends from PTP securities shall be subject to a withholding tax equal to 37% (applicable to individual investors) or 21% (applicable to companies or institutional investors) of the dividends.

      ● Exemption from withholding may apply if a PTP releases a public statement called a "Qualified Notice" to indicate that the PTP meets the requirements of IRC Sec. 1446(f)-4(b)(3) to be exempt from withholding.


      Considering the complexity of withholding tax, moomoo US has decided to make the following trading arrangements (which may be adjusted from time to time based on the latest developments):

      ● From December 5, 2022, we will stop accepting transfers of PTP securities into Moomoo US. You can still transfer PTP securities out of moomoo US without transfer fees. View more instructions via the link:

      ● From December 8, 2022, margin trading (for both long and short positions) of PTP securities will not be supported. 

      ● From December 12, 2022, opening positions in PTP securities will not be supported.

      ● From December 26, 2022, closing positions in PTP securities will not be supported, with the last trading day being December 23, 2022.

      ● From December 26, 2022, opening or closing positions in PTP securities or options will not be supported, with the last trading day being December 23, 2022.



      ● IRS Requirements on PTP Products

      IRS Regulations on the Withholding Tax on PTP Transactions


      You can find PTP securities by:

      List of PTP Securities

      ● searching results on the moomoo app


      List of PTP Securities:

      This list identifies PTP securities which will be subject to withholding under IRC Sec. 1446(f) unless a "Qualified Notice" exemption is applicable at the time of the sale. 

      NO. SYMBOL
      1 AB
      2 AGQ
      3 AHOTF
      4 ARLP
      5 BBU
      6 BDRY
      7 BEP
      8 BEP.PRA
      9 BEP.PRR.TO
      10 BEPPRG.TO
      11 BEPPRM.TO
      12 BEPPRO.TO
      13 BIP
      14 BIP.PRA
      15 BIP.PRB
      16 BIPPRA.TO
      17 BIPPRB.TO
      18 BIPPRE.TO
      19 BIPPRF.TO
      20 BITW
      21 BNO
      22 BOIL
      23 BPYP.PRA.TO
      24 BPYPM
      25 BPYPN
      26 BPYPO
      27 BPYPP
      28 BRENF
      29 BSM
      30 BWET
      31 CANE
      32 CAPL
      33 CHKR
      34 CLMT
      35 CORN
      36 CPER
      37 CQP
      38 DBA
      39 DBB
      40 DBC
      41 DBE
      42 DBO
      43 DBP
      44 DEFI
      45 DKL
      46 DMLP
      47 ECTM
      48 EFSH
      49 EPD
      50 ESBA
      51 ET
      52 ET.PRC
      53 ET.PRD
      54 ET.PRE
      55 ET.PRI
      56 EUO
      57 FGPR
      58 FGPRB
      59 FISK
      60 FUN
      61 GBLI
      62 GDVTZ
      63 GEL
      64 GHI
      65 GLL
      66 GLP
      67 GLP.PRA
      68 GLP.PRB
      69 GRP.U
      70 GSG
      71 GYRO
      72 IEP
      73 KOLD
      74 MDBH
      75 MMLP
      76 MNR
      77 MPLX
      78 MPLXP
      79 NEN
      80 NGL
      81 NGL.PRB
      82 NGL.PRC
      83 NRP
      84 NS.PRA
      85 NS.PRB
      86 NS.PRC
      87 NSLPQ
      88 OAK.PRA
      89 OAK.PRB
      90 OGCP
      91 OZ
      92 PAA
      93 RSTRF
      94 SCO
      95 SDTTU
      96 SMLP
      97 SOYB
      98 SPH
      99 SPLP
      100 SPLP.PRA
      101 SUN
      102 SVIX
      103 SVXY
      104 TAGS
      105 TXO
      106 UAN
      107 UCO
      108 UDN
      109 UGA
      110 UGL
      111 ULE
      112 UNG
      113 UNL
      114 USAC
      115 USCI
      116 USDP
      117 USL
      118 USO
      119 UUP
      120 UVIX
      121 UVXY
      122 VIXM
      123 VIXY
      124 VPRB
      125 WEAT
      126 WEIX
      127 WES
      128 WLKP
      129 YCL
      130 YCS
      131 ZSL

      You can also find the List of PTP Securities by searching on the moomoo app.


      This is not an exhaustive list of all PTP securities that are in scope for Section 1446(f). The list may be subject to change from time to time without prior notice. If the sale of security (from 1 January 2023 onwards) is not listed in the provided PTP list but falls under PTP classification, Moomoo US reserves the right to claim the withholding tax from you to satisfy IRS withholding requirements.

      If you hold PTP securities or derivatives, we would advise you to consult tax advisors on the potential impacts and trading arrangements.

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