Despite limited growth, Shenzhen RongDa Photosensitive Science & Technology maintains positive investor sentiment. Continual trends could see P/S ratio drop to match growth rate, potentially leaving shareholders disappointed if their investments become undervalued.
Shenzhen RongDa's decreasing ROCE despite capital growth implies inefficient profitability from reinvestments. With current trends, the company's odds of being a future multi-bagger are low.
Semiconductors are very important and are used for a wide range of applications such as consumer & electronics, 5G/6G communication, energy, robotics, quantum computing, data centres, healthcare, agriculture, electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, AI, IoT (Internet of Things) and so on. The global semiconductor industry were dominating headlines since 2020, when the pandemic forced the world to shut down. The lockdowns accelerated the use of di...
Bull sensei, Sorry highjack ur post on semichip. I cant find your post about commodities after i close app to search some info. Hope you dont mind any view of lithium theme? I aware that ev are going into price war in china and usa... But shouldnt this also drive up demand for li ion battery? Also per 1 of the analyst from susquehanna mentioned about semiconductor going recovery phase as its been 3 yr since the mad rush for digital device during covid lockdown, transition to remote working. He was bullish on semiconductor aspect as 3 yrs its about time for some business to change their device. Especially when window manage to integrate chatgpt to latest office This would also drive up demand for li battery for laptops and mobile device..? Also smart chips for automobile. I notice GFS has been very very resilience compared to intel
Most people have already bought PC and other devices early in the pandemic. Together with high inflation, geopolitical tensions, etc, the sector is in a down turn now. It is still positive in the long term. For lithium price, you must take into account that it has already risen a lot. So there will also be a big correction. So buy lithium stocks only after the correction.
Shenzhen Rongda Photosensitive & Technology Stock Forum
The global semiconductor industry were dominating headlines since 2020, when the pandemic forced the world to shut down. The lockdowns accelerated the use of di...
Shares in Chinese suppliers of materials for semiconductors surged after unsubstantiated reports of impending Japanese export curbs circulated on social media.
$Shenzhen Rongda Photosensitive & Technology (300576.SZ)$ , supplier of compounds known as photoresists that are essential in chipmaking, soared 20%. That leap, which follows a 20% gain Wed, came af...
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