Topy Industries: Stock certificate purchase status report (based on section 24-6 (1) of the Act)
Topy Industries: Notice of organizational changes
Topy Industries: Notice Regarding Organizational Changes
Topy Industries: Notice Regarding Revision of Medium-term Management Plan
Topy Industries: Notice of Changes in Directors and Officers
Topy Industries: Notice of personnel changes
Topy Industries: Notice regarding the review of the medium-term management plan
Topy Industries: Notice Regarding Result of Purchase of Treasury Stock through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3)
Topy Industries: Notice regarding acquisition results and termination of acquisition due to an off-site share repurchase transaction (ToSTNet-3)
Topy Industries: Notice Regarding Purchase of Treasury Stock through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3)
Topy Industries: Notice Concerning Repurchase of Treasury Shares through Off-Site Repurchase Transactions (ToSTNet-3)
Topy Industries: Notice Regarding Recording of Extraordinary Income (Gain on Sale of Investment Securities)
Topy Industries: Notice regarding the recording of special profit (profit from sale of investment securities)
Topy Industries: Notice of Decision on the Acquisition of Treasury Stock
Topy Industries: Notice regarding the determination of matters relating to share repurchases (repurchase of treasury shares based on the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation pursuant to the provisions of Article 459 (1) of the Companies Act)
Topy Industries: Consolidated Basis Results of the Third Quarter for FY2024
Topy Industries: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Topy Industries: Confirmation letter
Topy Industries: Semi-Annual Report - 131st Term (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
Topy Industries: Consolidated Basis Results of the First Half for FY2024