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      Asset Analysis

      P/L Trend

      The horizontal axis represents time, which can be adjusted with the filter buttons above the graph. The vertical axis is the rate of return in a percentage. Each point on the graph represents the cumulative rate of return from the beginning of the period to the point on the graph being selected.

      Asset Trend

      The horizontal axis represents time, which can be adjusted with the filters above P/L Trend. The vertical axis is the net asset value (NAV) of the account. Each point on the graph represents the net asset value of the account in USD.

      Yield Calculations

      Moomoo Financial uses three different methods for cumulative rate of return: time-weighted, money-weighted, and simple rate of return.
      Time-Weighted Rate of Return (TWR) Formula
      Time-Weighted Rate of Return = [1 x (1 + Rate of Return on First Day) x (1 + Rate of return on N day)... x (1 + Rate of Return on Final Day) - 1] * 100%
      Where N is the day and continues to N+1 until the final day
      Today's Yield = Today's Income / (Yesterday's Total Assets + 0.5 x Today's Net Inflows)
      Money-Weighted Rate of Return (MWR/Modified Dietz)
      Money-Weighted Yield = Today's P/L / Adjusted Beginning Assets
      Adjusted Beginning Assets = Beginning Assets + Σ (Weight of Cash Flows x Cash Flows)
      Weight of Cash Flows = (Days in Period Being Measured - Cash Flow on Day) / Days in Period
      This method improves on the accuracy of time-weighted rate of return by getting more precise by factoring in the capital invested by the number of days it is invested in the portfolio.
      Simple Rate of Return (Original Dietz Method)
      Simple Rate of Return = Total P/L / (Beginning Assets + 0.5 x Net Cash Flows During Period)
      To simplify the time task of keeping track of when external cash flows were received during the period, this formula simply multiplies the net external cash flows by 50% to assume that they were received in the middle of the period and available for investment during half of the time.

      Net Cash Flows

      Net Cash Flows = Cash Deposits + Transfer-In Stocks - Transfer-Out Stocks
      ● Cash Deposits factors in both deposits and withdrawals and excludes cash coupons and gift shares
      Stock transfer calculates based on the closing price of the transferred-in/out stock on the day of receipt. If the cost basis is set by you, that will be prioritized.

      Total P/L

      Total P/L = Ending Assets - Beginning Assets - Net Cash Flows
      The total profit and loss include all trading profits, transaction costs, dividends, interest costs, and exchange gains and losses.

      Current Exchange Rate

      The current day's exchange rate, which can be seen by click the ⓘ under the Assets Trend Curve, is the currency exchange rate for the day which is used to convert daily net asset values and net inflows.

      Cut Off Point

      The P/L data for asset analysis stops being calculated as of 9:00 PM EST.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      ● Is the data on the Asset Analysis page updated in real time?
      Assets Overview: Real-Time Updates
      Yield Trend/Total Asset Trend/Earnings Calendar: Updated every minute on the 1 day chart, every 5 minutes on the 5 day chart
      ● Why is Today's P/L on my account different from Today's P/L on the Asset Analysis page?
      Today's P/L for the account only refers to P/L for trading, while the Asset Analysis page factors in other fees and deductions.
      P/L of the account is calculated using 0:00 local time as the cut-off point, whereas P/L of the Asset Analysis page uses 9:00 PM EST as the cut-off time.


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