Shenzhen Airport's financial situation is concerning due to its use of debt. The company's balance sheet is in poor shape, with a loss of CN¥72m on the EBIT line and a trailing twelve month loss of CN¥89m. The stock is deemed risky.
Shenzhen Airport's poor profitability and scant revenue growth hint at share price fall not being an investor's turn-on unless profits surge or revenue quickens. Its underperformance versus the market trend also questions future returns.
Earlier, The Plan for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening up of the Qianhai Cooperation Zone is published. 粵港澳大灣區板塊多股高開,深圳機場一字漲停,封單超46萬手,招商蛇口、鹽田港、新城市、沙河股份等漲幅居前,消息上,《全面深化前海深港現代服務業合作區改革開放方案》印發。$深圳機場 (000089.SZ)$