Dragon Fish 樓主 : As usual I didn't watch the CEO presentation until the end. It was so boring again like the Onvo presentation in the past.
Cui Nyonya Kueh : 我認爲設計可以更好...
Cui Nyonya Kueh : 希望他們會推出更多的顏色。
102332870 : 這輛車側面看起來很棒,但前後看起來很醜
74216494 : 小米僅僅因爲使用保時捷作爲SU7s的基本設計,就節省了大量資金:-)
WayneTheBoon : 沒有人在問,誰將爲Firefly特別是在歐洲的全新換電站買單
74216494 WayneTheBoon : Good questions not allowed. Waking up "The Leading ZERO" out of his dreams. Anyway, a good solution would be using CATLs future swap network. As good solutions not welcome, most likely new shares to be sold ...
安安稳稳过日子 : 該汽車真牛逼!ET9現在是世界上最好的科技汽車。Firefly,方向盤最好,前後儲物空間也寬敞。
Stock Cypher : 螢火蟲好醜....
73162089 : 剛剛訂購了一臺ET9首發版
GoldDragon : 剛才在路上。沒聽說有關Firefly BAAS的內容。有提到嗎?沒有購買電池的價格是多少?
73162089 : 設計細節精美,愛文思控股技術先進!
Dragon Fish 樓主 : As usual I didn't watch the CEO presentation until the end. It was so boring again like the Onvo presentation in the past.