Enlightenment Environment: Enlightenment Environment Simplified Equity Change Report (Stock Reduction)
Enlightenment Environment: Enlightenment Environment Simplified Equity Change Report (Stock Increase)
Enlightening environment: An indicative announcement on changes in the equity of shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares
Inspiring Environment: Announcement on the progress of cases involving litigation (arbitration)
Enlightening the Environment: Progress Announcements on Matters Involving Litigation
Inspiring Environment: 2024 Annual Results Forecast
Inspiring Environment: Announcement on the progress of cases involving litigation (arbitration)
Enlightening the environment: Announcement on the company\'s inclusion in the list of untrustworthy executioners
Enlightening the Environment: Announcement on Signing Accounts Receivable Pledge Agreements
Inspiring Environment: Announcement on Abnormal Fluctuations in Stock Trading
Enlightening environment: An indicative announcement on the completion of the judicial auction of some shares held by the controlling shareholder
Enlightenment Environment: Enlightenment Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd. Simplified Equity Change Report
Enlighten the Environment: Enlightenment Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd. Simplified Equity Change Report (Enlighten Science Service)
Enlightening the environment: Announcement on the progress of the company shares held by the controlling shareholder being judicially auctioned and the completion of the transfer of some shares
Enlightening the Environment: Announcement on Receipt of the Controlling Shareholder\'s “Repayment Notice”
Enlightening the environment: progress announcement on the company\'s shares held by the controlling shareholder being judicially auctioned and the company\'s control may be changed
Inspiring Environment: Announcement on the receipt of the “Letter from a Lawyer”
Enlighten the environment: Announcement on the sale of 49% of the shares of Zhengzhou Luyuan Food Waste Treatment Co., Ltd.
Enlightening the Environment: Announcement on the Suspension of Judicial Auction of Some Shares of the Company\'s Controlling Shareholders and Their Coordinators
Inspiring Environment: Announcement on the progress of cases involving litigation (arbitration)