Trading Rules
US Trading Hours in Australia
Other limits for placing US stocks orders
Fractional shares trading in the US stock market
How to place an order
How to modify/cancel an order
Whether use the pre and post-market price to calculate the market value and profit or loss of your position
Why should the placement of market orders be restricted
Withholding Tax on Publicly Traded Partnerships (PTP) Securities and Trading Arrangements
US Stock Moving to T+1 Settlement
Order Type
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
You can set the market value and profit and loss of your position in pre and post-market price (use/not use) respectively.
App: Me tab - Settings - Trade Preference - Position Display - turn on or turn off this button "Use pre-market and post-market prices"
pc: button left corner - System Settings - Trade - Special / Other - turn on or turn off this button "Use pre-market and post-market prices"