受大宗商品下跌影響,煤炭、鋼鐵等週期股早盤全線下挫,新鋼股份、華菱鋼鐵均跌超9%,太鋼不鏽、馬鋼股份、山西焦煤、晉控煤業等多隻個股跌逾7%。 The gauge of steel sector losses more than 5% following the broad-base loss of black futures. Xinyu Iron and Steel, Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel and Maanshan Iron and Steel fall more than 9% in Monday early trade. On July 30, China's Politburo vows to stabilize commodity prices and supplies. $新鋼股份 (600782.SH)$ $華菱鋼鐵 (000932.SZ)$ $太鋼不銹 (000825.SZ)$ $馬鋼股份 (600808.SH)$
The gauge of steel sector losses more than 5% following the broad-base loss of black futures. Xinyu Iron and Steel, Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel and Maanshan Iron and Steel fall more than 9% in Monday early trade.
On July 30, China's Politburo vows to stabilize commodity prices and supplies.
$新鋼股份 (600782.SH)$
$華菱鋼鐵 (000932.SZ)$
$太鋼不銹 (000825.SZ)$
$馬鋼股份 (600808.SH)$