Intco Medical Technology's high P/E ratio is alarming due to declining earnings and underperformance against market forecasts. Current share prices may not be sustainable without significant medium-term improvements. Investors should consider these risks.
Investors highly regard Intco due to its constant expansion and appealing P/E ratio of 49.30. Despite an 11% return last year, the potential for continued performance remains.
$TOPGLOV (7113.MY)$has just released it’s latest quarterly report , the revenue continue to drop due to lower volume of sales and selling prices. It is also noteworthy that there were impairments made on assets and goodwill due to the rationalisation exercise for the company’s operation, amounting to RM 389 mil . Nevertheless, the “actual” performance actually improved to a loss of RM 65 mil , due to better cost structure and cost management . While the local ...
Intco Medical Technology Stock Forum
Nevertheless, the “actual” performance actually improved to a loss of RM 65 mil , due to better cost structure and cost management .
While the local ...
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