轉倉禮遇,至高贏iPhone 16 -- 2024年12月-2025年2月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 24年12月到25年1月
邀好友,領取蘋果股票 -2024年7到12月
轉倉到moomoo,得最新的 iPhone 16---2024年9月至12月
老客專屬活動,最高可得獎勵S$730 -- 2024年8月至11月
轉入資產,最高可獲得S$1020 -- 2024年8月至9月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 2024年7月到12月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 2024年4月到7月
邀好友,贏現金券 - 2024年4月到7月
老客智選投資特別福利 - 2024年4月到7月
老客智選投資特別福利 - 2024年2月至4月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 2024年1月到4月
老客智選投資特別福利 - 23年9月至24年2月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 23年11月到24年1月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 23年7月到8月
喜迎國慶,邀老友領獎勵 - 2023年7月至8月
外匯迎新禮 - 2023年2月到7月
MooFest - June to July 2023
[Social Media] Moofest 2023 Contest Terms & Conditions
新人大禮包 - 2023年6月
送福利,把握潛在投資機遇 - 23年6月
新人大禮包 - 2023年3月至5月
58周年國慶節特別福利,最高可獲S$380獎勵 - 23年7月至9月
理財巔峰榜2.0 - 2023年6月
開通SmartSave得積分獎勵 - 2023年2月至7月
Facebook Contest Terms & Conditions Official - May 2023
母親節送基金 - 2023年5月
SG Stocks Commission-free Campaign - April to May 2023
ETF Campaign - Feb to Dec 2023
Moomoo SG Mall Event Instagram Contest Terms & Conditions Official - Mar to Apr 2023
SG理財巔峰榜活動規則 - 2023年3月
SeedlyFest 2023 Ticket Giveaway Contest Terms and Conditions - April 2023
SeedlyFest 2023 Moomoo SG Promotions and Booth Activities Terms and Conditions - April 2023
Facebook Contest Terms & Conditions Official - April 2023
邀請老友,50新幣現金無限送 - 2022年7月至12月
7月至10月moomoo 新人大禮包
7月至10月moomoo 學生新人大禮包
GrabRewards & moomoo SG – November to December 2022
“moomoo Jay Chou Telegram Ticket Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
GrabRewards & moomoo SG – July to October 2022
“moomoo Jay Chou Facebook Ticket Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
“moomoo Jay Chou Instagram Ticket Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
Terms and Conditions for #moovetowin Jay Chou Carnival World Tour - Singapore Concert Tickets Contest
“moomoo Father's Day Instagram GrabFood Voucher Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
Ice Cream Truck - 6-10 March 2023
Singapore Stocks Promotion Campaign T&Cs
“moomoo Seedly Fest Telegram Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
“moomoo Seedly Fest Instagram Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
2022年中盛典 - 投資策略會
GrabRewards & moomoo – April 2022
4月至6月moomoo 新人大禮包
4月至6月moomoo 學生新人大禮包
Singapore's Low Carbon ETF Campaign
[Singapore] moomoo Singapore 1st Anniversary - Grab Vouchers Add-On Promotion
MoneySmart & moomoo – April 2022
“moomoo Better Campaign Instagram Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
moomoo 0費率買基金 限時買S$500返S$100
3月moomoo 新人大禮包
3月moomoo 學生新人大禮包
GrabRewards & moomoo – March 2022
“Spot moomoo Mascot Contest” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
The Function of Stock Picking
“moomoo Cushion Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
“National Day Instagram moomoo T-shirt Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
CapitaStar & moomoo – April - June 2022
Limited Time Event—Coupon Distribution for NIO SGX Listing
Invest Fair 2022 “Moomoo Claw Machine” Terms and Conditions
Moomoo SG Invest Fair 2022 Exclusive New User Promotion
Moomoo SG Invest Fair 2022 Exclusive for Existing User Promotion
邀好友 得豪禮
2021年5月1日Share Leh活動
2021年3月8日新加坡Official Launch促銷活動
[新加坡] moomoo 推薦活動 – 推薦好友免費得10股蘋果股票!
CapitaStar & moomoo – July - September 2022
Moomoo SG Roadshow
“Moomoo SG Mooncake Gift Set Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
“September Jay Chou Telegram Channel Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
[限時免費] 港股LV1免費送
UOBAM Ping An ChiNext ETF 活動
“Fight Inflation Social Media Giveaway” Terms & Conditions Official
Children's Day Fun Pack Giveaway
Grab US$10 Cash Coupon Unlock with the first purchase of US stocks
"Roller-Coaster Session, Should I Buy US Stocks Now or Wait?" Campaign T&Cs
[Singapore] Ryde Rewards - December 2022 to February 2023
CapitaStar & Moomoo SG - Dec 2022
Jaychou Second Wave T&C
NUS.MBA 美股模擬交易大賽
"Asia NeoArt Fest 2022's Ticket Giveaway Campaign" Term & Conditions Official Rules
Exclusive Channel 10th Anniversary T&Cs
Asia NeoArt Fest 2022 - New User Promotion
Asia NeoArt Fest 2022 - Existing User Promotion
[Singapore] Moomoo SG x The Green Party: The Green Party Rewards - November 2022 to December 2022
申購SCY ETF最高可得S$500現金券
Listen to Moomoo - Jay Chou Promo in December
SG Cost of Living Instagram Contest Terms & Conditions - Dec 2022 to Jan 2023
GrabRewards & Moomoo SG – Feb 2023
Moomoo SG Guaranteed 5%* p.a. Return Reward
[Singapore] Ryde Rewards - March 2023
捕魚達人 - 22年12月至23年2月
Take Charge of Your Future Instagram Contest Terms & Conditions Official - Feb 2023
Cash Plus限時買S$100返S$50 - 2023年3月至4月
2023春季投資策略會 - 23年3月
邀老友,最高領S$158* - 23年3月至5月
送福利,把握潛在投資機遇 - 23年2月至5月
邀老友,享超級大禮 - 23年6月
限時買S$100Cash Plus返S$30 - 2023年4月至6月
申購Pasture Holdings Ltd. IPO,必得現金券!- 2023年6月
申購SQQ ETF最高可得S$200現金券 - 2023年6月
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards - June to August 2023
The Green Party T&Cs - July to August 2023
新人必備期權工具箱,限時領取!- 2023年5月至10月
邀老友,贏大獎 - 2023年9月至10月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 23年9月到10月
老客智選投資特別福利 - 23年9月至11月
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards - September to October 2023
邀好友,贏現金券 - 23年11月至24年1月
邀請注冊活動 - 2023年7月至8月
SG國慶節答題活動 - 2023年7月至8月
Invest In US Fractional Shares From US$5 - September to November 2023
參與定投活動,獲S$4禮包 - 2023年8月到12月
開通SmartSave得現金券獎勵 - 2023年7月至12月
Moomoo SG Invest Fair 2023 Exclusive New & Existing User Promotion-August
"CAB - Moo Delights Giveaway: Win a Moomoo's Mooncake Gift Set" Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
"Moo Delights Giveaway: Win a Moomoo's Mooncake Gift Set" Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
Invest Smarter Contest Spot moomoo Term & Conditions Official Rules -- December 2023
Christmas Moomoo Light Giveaway Terms and Conditions -- December 2023
moomoo證券(新加坡)邀您享30天5.8%年化收益 -- 24年1月
邀好友,贏現金券 - 2024年1月
[Social Media] SG Rediscover Contest Terms & Conditions
Moomoo SG x Challenger - August 2023
基金體驗官問卷調查活動 - 2023年8月
Trade DLCs & Get Up to S$300 Cash Coupons!
Invest Smarter Contest Term & Conditions Official Rules -- September 2023
MooGives - SGX Cares Bull Charge 2023 Pre-Event Giveaway -- October
贏取最高US$58特斯拉股票 -- 2023年10月到11月
Moomoo SG 富敦新元T+0貨幣基金預約 -- 2023年11月到12月
投資策略會, 如何高效投資-- 2023年11月到12月
Moomoo SG x M1 - October 2023
Invest Fair 2023 “Moomoo Claw Machine & Grab Your Fortune” - August
US Stock Option Commission-Free Campaign -- November to December 2023
MooGives - SGX Cares Bull Charge 2023 Post Event Giveaway Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Participate in the Voting Game! -- November 2023
新客限時歡迎禮 -- 23年10月到12月
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards - November 2023 to January 2024
特邀客户專屬福利 -- 23年10月到24年3月
Moomoo SG x Channel Partners T&Cs Campaign Period -- December 2023 to January 2024
CNY Giveaway Term & Conditions Official Rules
Invest in Your Future - March 9 2024
理財晉級賽活動 -- 2023年12月
邀好友,贏現金券 - 2024年1月到4月
moomoo證券(新加坡)邀您享31天6.8%年化收益 -- 24年1月到4月
Moomoo SG x KOI T&Cs
特邀客户專屬福利 -- 23年10月到24年4月
Google Review Activity T&Cs -- Feb to Mar 2024
Moomoo SG x Artbox T&Cs
Make A Smart Moo-ve Transfer-In Your TD Ameritrade Positions to A New Home -- September 2023 to April 2024
Moomoo SG x DFI (CS Fresh / Cold Storage/ Giant) T&Cs
Seedly PFF 2024 “Moomoo Claw Machine” & "Seedly Review" Terms and Conditions
限時狂歡,周邊超低價 -- 2024年4月到5月
淘金挑戰賽 -- 2024年4月至5月
Echelon 2024 "Grab Your Fortune Machine" Terms and Conditions
Moomoo Mother Day Giveaway Terms & Conditions Official Rules
理財晉級賽活動 -- 2024年3月
Moomoo Seedly PFF Giveaway Terms & Conditions Official Rules
特邀客户專屬福利 -- 23年11月到24年5月
特邀客户專屬福利 -- 23年11月到24年5月
理財晉級賽活動 -- 2024年6月
MooFest 2024 Terms & Conditions -- June to July 2024
I Also Can Giveaway Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Moomoo SG x SIT Paper Trading Challenge T&Cs
Moomoo SG KOL Welcome Rewards T&Cs -- April to July 2024
Nasdaq Tour Offline Event Terms and Conditions
轉入資產,最高可獲得 iPhone 15 Pro Max -- 2024年4月至7月
Moomoo SG KOL Welcome Rewards T&Cs -- January to April 2024
I Also Can 老客專享活動 -- 2024年6月至8月
美股模擬交易大賽 -- 2024年6月至7月
1分鐘挑選適合你的基金 -- 2024年6月至7月
Nasdaq TotalView Free Trial Terms and Conditions
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards - June to July 2024
moomoo嘉年華:瓜分萬元大獎,組團再贏10000積分!-- 2024年8月
I also can Social Media Challenge Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Create Your Regular Savings Plan (RSP) to Get Rewards! - January to August 2024
Exclusive Gifts from moo to you!!- September 2023 to June 2024
Moomoo Money Master:投票瓜分1,000,000積分
CAB Moomoo Mooncake Magic Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Moomoo Mooncake Magic Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Investing Explained 30th Episode Giveaway Terms & Conditions
Participate in the Voting Game! -- July to September 2024
理財選擇第一步 -- 2024年7月至9月
分享Moomoo Crypto&最高贏iPad
Pizza Party Giveaway Official Term & Conditions Rules
邀請轉倉 - 2024年5月至9月
學理財 拿好禮
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards: Aug to Oct 2024
SFF 2024 Terms and Conditions
Lump Sum Vs DCA Giveaway Official Terms & Conditions Rules
SG KOL Moomoo新人大禮包
Participate in the Voting Game! -- Oct to Dec 2024
Corporate Referral Programme -- May to December 2024
鎖定美債5% -- 2024年3月到12月
一分鐘讀懂Smartsave自動申贖 -- 2024年1月到12月
1. These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) shall apply to the 2023 “CAB - Moo Delights Giveaway: Win a Moomoo's Mooncake Gift Set” (“Contest”) organized by Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Moomoo SG) [“Organiser”], a subsidiary of Futu Holdings Limited.
2. This will commence on 5 September 2023 at 12:00 SGT and end on 8 September 2023 at 23:59 SGT. Entries will only be accepted during this period.
3. Entries submitted after 8 September 2023 at 23:59 SGT will not be accepted.
4. These are the steps to participate:
a. Participants are required to be SG Moomoo CAB (Customer Advisory Board) Telegram Group (Private Group)'s member
b. Participants must submit short financial literacy tips in the SG Moomoo CAB (Customer Advisory Board) Telegram Group.
c. The winner(s) will be announced in 1-3 business days after the Ending Date on 8 September 2023 at 2359 SGT.
For winners:
Step 1: Winners will be mentioned in the “CAB - Moo Delights Giveaway: Win a Moomoo's Mooncake Gift Set” post’s comment on the SG Moomoo CAB (Customer Advisory Board) Telegram Group.
Step 2: Required to follow up by contacting the official Moomoo SG email account (clientmarketing@sg.moomoo.com) to claim their prizes.
d. Participants are allowed to submit multiple entries, but only 6 winners will be selected from SG Moomoo CAB (Customer Advisory Board) Telegram Group. Participants are only allowed to win one (1) prize across the Contest qualifying period, held on SG Moomoo CAB (Customer Advisory Board) Telegram Group.
e. There will be a total of Six (6) Mooncake Gift Sets to be won on SG Moomoo CAB (Customer Advisory Board) Telegram Group during the entirety of this contest period at the organizer’s discretion via best answers.
g. Moomoo SG reserves all rights to disqualify any incomplete submissions or submissions that do not abide by the respective platform guidelines.
5. Participants will have to be aged 18 and above with a Singapore resident to be eligible to participate in the Contest and be eligible to win. Applicable phone, internet, and other charges may apply, and the participants shall be responsible for such costs and expenses.
6. By taking part in the Contest, all participants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and the prevailing Facebook or Instagram terms and conditions of use, all of which may be amended from time to time at Moomoo SG's discretion.
7. The following categories of people are not eligible to participate in the Contest:
i. All permanent and/or contract employees (“Employees”) of the Moomoo SG and their immediate family members (i.e. spouses, children, parents, brothers, and sisters) (“Immediate Family Members”).
ii. All agencies and/or service providers engaged by Moomoo SG (including but not limited to advertising agencies, promotions agencies, printing companies, event management agencies, and any persons assisting or who are involved in the Contest) and their Employees and Immediate Family Members.
8. Moomoo SG's decisions on the winner(s) and the prize(s) are final and no correspondence may be entertained.
9. Winners will be prompted in a subsequent post on each respective platform to follow up by contacting the official Moomoo SG email account (clientmarketing@sg.moomoo.com). The winner is also required to reply to Moomoo SG CS1 (https://t.me/moomooappSG) on the contacted platform (Telegram) for prize collection details. If the selected winner is not eligible, cannot be traced, or does/does not respond within three business (3) days to winner notification, or refuses the prize, the prize will be forfeited and Moomoo SG in its sole discretion, may choose whether to award the prize to another participant.
10. The winner will be required to submit their personal details and contact detail to Moomoo SG's official email account (clientmarketing@sg.moomoo.com) for prize collection.
11. Substitution of gifts by the winner will not be entertained. Moomoo SG reserves all rights to end the Contest or amend the rules of the Contest at any time without prior notice.
12. No prize transfer, assignment, or substitution by winners is permitted. If the prize is unavailable for any reason whatsoever, Moomoo SG, at its discretion, reserves the right to substitute the original prize with an alternative prize with similar monetary value.
13. Each participant making an entry into the Contest represents and warrants all information submitted by him or her in connection with the Contest. Such participant shall indemnify Moomoo SG and its affiliates against any claims, liability, damages, costs, and expenses incurred by Moomoo SG and its affiliates arising out of or in connection with any such infringement (including legal costs on a solicitor-client basis), and shall at the request of Moomoo SG, defend any action brought against Moomoo SG and its affiliates for any such claim for liability and/or damages.
14. By participating in the Contest, participants hereby agree and authorize Moomoo SG, to use at its discretion, without further compensation, fee, charge, or other remuneration to the participants, Facebook or Instagram subscriber or follower, to disclose and use any of their names, photographs, videos or any likeness of them for promotional, advertising, marketing and/or publicity purposes (where not prohibited by written law), and to the use of statements attributed to winners of this Contest, and any rights in connection therewith.
15. By entering this Contest, all participants agree to release, discharge, and hold Moomoo SG and its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, agents and their employees, officers, directors, and representatives from any claims, losses, and damages arising out of their participation in this Contest or any Contest-related activities and the acceptance and use, misuse, or possession of any prize awarded hereunder.
16. Moomoo SG assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, or delay in the transmission; communications line failure; theft or destruction of or unauthorized access to Contest entries or entry forms; or alteration of entries. Moomoo SG is not responsible for any problems with or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, human errors of any kind, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to participants' or any other persons' computers related to or resulting from participation, submissions or notification related to this Contest.
17. Moomoo SG will not assume responsibility or liability whatsoever for damages, loss, or injury resulting from the participant participating in the Contest or for (i) any errors in communication associated with the Contest, (ii) any problem with the prizes, and (iii) any use of the prize. By participating in the Contest, participants agree to release Moomoo SG from any liability whatsoever. Moomoo SG reserves the right to alter or modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
18. Moomoo SG reserves the right to disqualify any entry that it deems inappropriate or unsuitable or deemed to be detrimental to the Moomoo SG.
19. All submissions should be original (i.e. taken from the user’s account). They should not be plagiarised, copied, or reproduced by other participants.
20. THIS CONTEST IS VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAWS. To the extent permitted by law, the right to litigate, to seek injunctive relief, or to make any other recourse to judicial or any other procedure in case of disputes or claims resulting from or in connection with this Contest are hereby excluded and any participant expressly waives any and all such rights. Certain restrictions may apply. Entries are deemed void if Moomoo SG determines the entries are illegible, incomplete, damaged, irregular, altered, counterfeit, produced in error, or obtained through fraud or theft.
21. By participating in the Contest, participants agree (a) to be bound by these Terms and Conditions; (b) that the decisions of Moomoo SG are final and binding with respect to all matters relating to the Contest; and (c) if the participant wins, that Moomoo SG may use the winning submission and the winner’s name, likeness, and/or voice in any publicity or advertising relating to the Contest or future promotions without compensation or approval (except where prohibited by law). All applicable taxes, fees and surcharges, and/or foreign duties on the prize(s) are the sole responsibility of the prize winner.
22. Moomoo SG reserves the right to verify the validity and originality of any entry and/or the identity of the participant (including a participant's email address) and to disqualify any participant who is not eligible, or who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the entry process. Moomoo SG has the right to remove any entries or block any users using profanity, racial slurs, foul language, or comments that may be deemed as an attack on Moomoo SG or the Contest. By participating in this Contest according to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise in violation of any laws.
23. Failure by Moomoo SG to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
24. If for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as planned, due to infection by computer viruses, bugs, worms, trojan horses, denial of service attacks, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of Moomoo SG that corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Contest. Moomoo SG reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual(s) who tamper with the entry process, and/or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Contest.
25. By participating in the Contest, the participants (including the winner) are deemed to have consented to (i) the collection, use, and disclosure of his/her name, image, voice, and/or likeness by the Moomoo SG for editorial, advertising, promotional, marketing and/or other purposes without any payment and/or compensation except where prohibited by law; and (ii) receiving promotional, marketing and other publicity information from Moomoo SG from time to time.
26. Any trademarks, graphic symbols, logos, or intellectual property contained in any materials used in connection with this Contest, in particular those relating to the Contest prizes, are the property of their respective owners. Moomoo SG is not providing any financial advice, endorsements, or sponsorships for its products or services.
27. Each participant of this Contest grants Facebook or Instagram a complete release from any liability and exempts Moomoo SG from any liability arising from any act, omission, or default in connection with the use and operation of the operating platforms for Facebook or Instagram over which Moomoo SG has no control. This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook or Instagram, and all participants are providing information to Moomoo SG and not to Facebook or Instagram.
28. Moomoo SG shall not be responsible for any injury, loss, or damage suffered as a result of, or in connection with the Contest and/or redemption or use of the prize howsoever arising, including but not limited to, fulfillment of the prize(s), any breakdown or malfunction in any computer system or equipment, any notice which is misdirected and/or lost in the post, loss of income, profits or goodwill, direct or indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, punitive or special damages of any party including third parties howsoever arising whether in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, cancellation, termination, or suspension by Moomoo SG of this Contest shall not entitle any party to any claim or compensation against Moomoo SG for any and all losses or damage suffered or incurred as a direct or indirect result of the act of cancellation, termination or suspension.
29. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and any advertising, promotional, publicity, and other materials relating to or in connection with the Contest, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
30. Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Moomoo SG) is the subsidiary of Futu Holdings Limited, which is listed on NASDAQ and backed by Tencent.
The Moomoo App is a trading platform offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of Futu Holdings Limited. In Singapore, investment products available through the Moomoo App are offered by Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd. ("Moomoo SG"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Futu Holdings Limited. Moomoo SG is a broker-dealer and custodian licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, (Licence No. CMS101000).
No content on this Contest or its advertisement shall be considered an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of securities, futures, or other investment products. All information and data, if any, are for reference only, and past performance should not be viewed as an indicator of future results. It is not a guarantee for future results. Investments in stocks, options, ETFs, and other instruments are subject to risks, including possible loss of the amount invested. The value of investments may fluctuate and as a result, clients may lose the value of their investment. When trading in a margin account, a client may lose more than their original investment. No content in this advertisement shall be considered as an opinion or recommendation. Please consult your financial adviser as to the suitability of any investment.
This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
For further information, please refer to our website
31. This Contest and the terms and conditions shall be governed by Singapore law and each participant agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.
32. A person who is not a party to any agreement governed by these terms and conditions shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap 53B) to enforce any terms of such agreement.