轉倉到moomoo,得最新的 iPhone 16---2024年9月至12月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 2024年7月到12月
邀好友,領取蘋果股票 -2024年7到12月
老客專屬活動,最高可得獎勵S$730 -- 2024年8月至11月
轉入資產,最高可獲得S$1020 -- 2024年8月至9月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 2024年4月到7月
邀好友,贏現金券 - 2024年4月到7月
老客智選投資特別福利 - 2024年4月到7月
老客智選投資特別福利 - 2024年2月至4月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 2024年1月到4月
老客智選投資特別福利 - 23年9月至24年2月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 23年11月到24年1月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 23年7月到8月
喜迎國慶,邀老友領獎勵 - 2023年7月至8月
外匯迎新禮 - 2023年2月到7月
MooFest - June to July 2023
[Social Media] Moofest 2023 Contest Terms & Conditions
新人大禮包 - 2023年6月
送福利,把握潛在投資機遇 - 23年6月
新人大禮包 - 2023年3月至5月
58周年國慶節特別福利,最高可獲S$380獎勵 - 23年7月至9月
理財巔峰榜2.0 - 2023年6月
開通SmartSave得積分獎勵 - 2023年2月至7月
Facebook Contest Terms & Conditions Official - May 2023
母親節送基金 - 2023年5月
SG Stocks Commission-free Campaign - April to May 2023
ETF Campaign - Feb to Dec 2023
Moomoo SG Mall Event Instagram Contest Terms & Conditions Official - Mar to Apr 2023
SG理財巔峰榜活動規則 - 2023年3月
SeedlyFest 2023 Ticket Giveaway Contest Terms and Conditions - April 2023
SeedlyFest 2023 Moomoo SG Promotions and Booth Activities Terms and Conditions - April 2023
Facebook Contest Terms & Conditions Official - April 2023
邀請老友,50新幣現金無限送 - 2022年7月至12月
7月至10月moomoo 新人大禮包
7月至10月moomoo 學生新人大禮包
GrabRewards & moomoo SG – November to December 2022
“moomoo Jay Chou Telegram Ticket Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
GrabRewards & moomoo SG – July to October 2022
“moomoo Jay Chou Facebook Ticket Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
“moomoo Jay Chou Instagram Ticket Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
Terms and Conditions for #moovetowin Jay Chou Carnival World Tour - Singapore Concert Tickets Contest
“moomoo Father's Day Instagram GrabFood Voucher Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
Ice Cream Truck - 6-10 March 2023
Singapore Stocks Promotion Campaign T&Cs
“moomoo Seedly Fest Telegram Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
“moomoo Seedly Fest Instagram Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
2022年中盛典 - 投資策略會
GrabRewards & moomoo – April 2022
4月至6月moomoo 新人大禮包
4月至6月moomoo 學生新人大禮包
Singapore's Low Carbon ETF Campaign
[Singapore] moomoo Singapore 1st Anniversary - Grab Vouchers Add-On Promotion
MoneySmart & moomoo – April 2022
“moomoo Better Campaign Instagram Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
moomoo 0費率買基金 限時買S$500返S$100
3月moomoo 新人大禮包
3月moomoo 學生新人大禮包
GrabRewards & moomoo – March 2022
“Spot moomoo Mascot Contest” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
The Function of Stock Picking
“moomoo Cushion Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
“National Day Instagram moomoo T-shirt Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
CapitaStar & moomoo – April - June 2022
Limited Time Event—Coupon Distribution for NIO SGX Listing
Invest Fair 2022 “Moomoo Claw Machine” Terms and Conditions
Moomoo SG Invest Fair 2022 Exclusive New User Promotion
Moomoo SG Invest Fair 2022 Exclusive for Existing User Promotion
邀好友 得豪禮
2021年5月1日Share Leh活動
2021年3月8日新加坡Official Launch促銷活動
[新加坡] moomoo 推薦活動 – 推薦好友免費得10股蘋果股票!
CapitaStar & moomoo – July - September 2022
Moomoo SG Roadshow
“Moomoo SG Mooncake Gift Set Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
“September Jay Chou Telegram Channel Giveaway” Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
[限時免費] 港股LV1免費送
UOBAM Ping An ChiNext ETF 活動
“Fight Inflation Social Media Giveaway” Terms & Conditions Official
Children's Day Fun Pack Giveaway
Grab US$10 Cash Coupon Unlock with the first purchase of US stocks
"Roller-Coaster Session, Should I Buy US Stocks Now or Wait?" Campaign T&Cs
[Singapore] Ryde Rewards - December 2022 to February 2023
CapitaStar & Moomoo SG - Dec 2022
Jaychou Second Wave T&C
NUS.MBA 美股模擬交易大賽
"Asia NeoArt Fest 2022's Ticket Giveaway Campaign" Term & Conditions Official Rules
Exclusive Channel 10th Anniversary T&Cs
Asia NeoArt Fest 2022 - New User Promotion
Asia NeoArt Fest 2022 - Existing User Promotion
[Singapore] Moomoo SG x The Green Party: The Green Party Rewards - November 2022 to December 2022
申購SCY ETF最高可得S$500現金券
Listen to Moomoo - Jay Chou Promo in December
SG Cost of Living Instagram Contest Terms & Conditions - Dec 2022 to Jan 2023
GrabRewards & Moomoo SG – Feb 2023
Moomoo SG Guaranteed 5%* p.a. Return Reward
[Singapore] Ryde Rewards - March 2023
捕魚達人 - 22年12月至23年2月
Take Charge of Your Future Instagram Contest Terms & Conditions Official - Feb 2023
Cash Plus限時買S$100返S$50 - 2023年3月至4月
2023春季投資策略會 - 23年3月
邀老友,最高領S$158* - 23年3月至5月
送福利,把握潛在投資機遇 - 23年2月至5月
邀老友,享超級大禮 - 23年6月
限時買S$100Cash Plus返S$30 - 2023年4月至6月
申購Pasture Holdings Ltd. IPO,必得現金券!- 2023年6月
申購SQQ ETF最高可得S$200現金券 - 2023年6月
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards - June to August 2023
The Green Party T&Cs - July to August 2023
新人必備期權工具箱,限時領取!- 2023年5月至10月
邀老友,贏大獎 - 2023年9月至10月
Moomoo新人大禮包 - 23年9月到10月
老客智選投資特別福利 - 23年9月至11月
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards - September to October 2023
邀好友,贏現金券 - 23年11月至24年1月
邀請注冊活動 - 2023年7月至8月
SG國慶節答題活動 - 2023年7月至8月
Invest In US Fractional Shares From US$5 - September to November 2023
參與定投活動,獲S$4禮包 - 2023年8月到12月
開通SmartSave得現金券獎勵 - 2023年7月至12月
Moomoo SG Invest Fair 2023 Exclusive New & Existing User Promotion-August
"CAB - Moo Delights Giveaway: Win a Moomoo's Mooncake Gift Set" Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
"Moo Delights Giveaway: Win a Moomoo's Mooncake Gift Set" Terms and Conditions Official Contest Rules
Invest Smarter Contest Spot moomoo Term & Conditions Official Rules -- December 2023
Christmas Moomoo Light Giveaway Terms and Conditions -- December 2023
moomoo證券(新加坡)邀您享30天5.8%年化收益 -- 24年1月
邀好友,贏現金券 - 2024年1月
[Social Media] SG Rediscover Contest Terms & Conditions
Moomoo SG x Challenger - August 2023
基金體驗官問卷調查活動 - 2023年8月
Trade DLCs & Get Up to S$300 Cash Coupons!
Invest Smarter Contest Term & Conditions Official Rules -- September 2023
MooGives - SGX Cares Bull Charge 2023 Pre-Event Giveaway -- October
贏取最高US$58特斯拉股票 -- 2023年10月到11月
Moomoo SG 富敦新元T+0貨幣基金預約 -- 2023年11月到12月
投資策略會, 如何高效投資-- 2023年11月到12月
Moomoo SG x M1 - October 2023
Invest Fair 2023 “Moomoo Claw Machine & Grab Your Fortune” - August
US Stock Option Commission-Free Campaign -- November to December 2023
MooGives - SGX Cares Bull Charge 2023 Post Event Giveaway Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Participate in the Voting Game! -- November 2023
新客限時歡迎禮 -- 23年10月到12月
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards - November 2023 to January 2024
特邀客户專屬福利 -- 23年10月到24年3月
Moomoo SG x Channel Partners T&Cs Campaign Period -- December 2023 to January 2024
CNY Giveaway Term & Conditions Official Rules
Invest in Your Future - March 9 2024
理財晉級賽活動 -- 2023年12月
邀好友,贏現金券 - 2024年1月到4月
moomoo證券(新加坡)邀您享31天6.8%年化收益 -- 24年1月到4月
Moomoo SG x KOI T&Cs
特邀客户專屬福利 -- 23年10月到24年4月
Google Review Activity T&Cs -- Feb to Mar 2024
Moomoo SG x Artbox T&Cs
Make A Smart Moo-ve Transfer-In Your TD Ameritrade Positions to A New Home -- September 2023 to April 2024
Moomoo SG x DFI (CS Fresh / Cold Storage/ Giant) T&Cs
Seedly PFF 2024 “Moomoo Claw Machine” & "Seedly Review" Terms and Conditions
限時狂歡,周邊超低價 -- 2024年4月到5月
淘金挑戰賽 -- 2024年4月至5月
Echelon 2024 "Grab Your Fortune Machine" Terms and Conditions
Moomoo Mother Day Giveaway Terms & Conditions Official Rules
理財晉級賽活動 -- 2024年3月
Moomoo Seedly PFF Giveaway Terms & Conditions Official Rules
特邀客户專屬福利 -- 23年11月到24年5月
特邀客户專屬福利 -- 23年11月到24年5月
理財晉級賽活動 -- 2024年6月
MooFest 2024 Terms & Conditions -- June to July 2024
I Also Can Giveaway Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Moomoo SG x SIT Paper Trading Challenge T&Cs
Moomoo SG KOL Welcome Rewards T&Cs -- April to July 2024
Nasdaq Tour Offline Event Terms and Conditions
轉入資產,最高可獲得 iPhone 15 Pro Max -- 2024年4月至7月
Moomoo SG KOL Welcome Rewards T&Cs -- January to April 2024
I Also Can 老客專享活動 -- 2024年6月至8月
美股模擬交易大賽 -- 2024年6月至7月
1分鐘挑選適合你的基金 -- 2024年6月至7月
Nasdaq TotalView Free Trial Terms and Conditions
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards - June to July 2024
moomoo嘉年華:瓜分萬元大獎,組團再贏10000積分!-- 2024年8月
I also can Social Media Challenge Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Create Your Regular Savings Plan (RSP) to Get Rewards! - January to August 2024
Exclusive Gifts from moo to you!!- September 2023 to June 2024
Moomoo Money Master:投票瓜分1,000,000積分
CAB Moomoo Mooncake Magic Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Moomoo Mooncake Magic Terms & Conditions Official Rules
Investing Explained 30th Episode Giveaway Terms & Conditions
Participate in the Voting Game! -- July to September 2024
理財選擇第一步 -- 2024年7月至9月
分享Moomoo Crypto&最高贏iPad
Pizza Party Giveaway Official Term & Conditions Rules
邀請轉倉 - 2024年5月至9月
學理財 拿好禮
Moomoo SG x Grab Welcome Rewards: Aug to Oct 2024
SFF 2024 Terms and Conditions
Lump Sum Vs DCA Giveaway Official Terms & Conditions Rules
Media Day - 25 Jan 2024
Public - 26 - 28 Jan, 2 - 4 Feb 2024 at Singapore Expo Hall 2
When new users complete tasks at our offline events, they can get exclusive rewards:
Task | Rewards | Exclusive Offline Rewards |
Successfully opened Moomoo SG universal account
| N.A |
Deposit at least S$100 before 1/4/2024 at 9:59 PM SGT ** & invest into Moomoo Cash Plus and hold positions of S$100 or above for 10 days. | N.A |
Deposit at least S$500 before 1/4/2024 at 9:59 PM SGT ** and hold positions of S$500 or above for 10 days | N.A |
Deposit a cumulative amount of at least S$3,000 before 1/4/2024 at 9:59 PM ** , complete 3 cumulative buy trades and redeem rewards before 9:59PM SGT on 8/4/2024. Maintain assets for 30 days. |
Deposit a cumulative amount of at least S$10,000 before 1/4/2024 at 9:59 PM **, complete 8 cumulative buy trades and redeem rewards before 9:59PM SGT on 8/4/2024. Maintain assets for 90 days. |
Deposit a cumulative amount of at least S$100,000 before 1/4/2024 at 9:59 PM **, and redeem rewards before 9:59PM SGT on 8/4/2024. Maintain assets for 90 days. |
| N.A |
# Stocks are given in fractional value (worth 0.05 fraction of 1 AAPL share, 0.02 fraction of 1 NVDA share, 0.04 fraction of 1 TSLA share, 0.2 fraction of 1 SE share and 1.4 fraction of 1 NIO share, which is equivalent to US$10/share.) As of 12/12/2023, 1 AAPL share is at US$196, 1 NVDA share is at US$476, 1 TSLA share is at US$237, 1 SE share is at US$38 and 1 NIO share is at US$7.
The 5 US fractional shares from the Stock Bundle are selected based on the top 5 traded stocks on the moomoo platform 3 months prior from 19/09/2023.
**Campaign period may be extended subjected to Moomoo SG's discretion.
* Other fees related to U.S. stocks, such as regulators, exchanges, and upstream institutions, may still be charged. Unless otherwise specified, U.S. stocks refer to stocks and ETFs listed on U.S. exchanges. If the user enjoys this fee and discount, it cannot be used in combination with other rates.
^ Cash coupon are non-stackable and will be issued in-app after maintaining the assets for 10/30/90days, respectively. Gifts may differs for different offline events and will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis. While stocks last
Although transactions are commission-free during the promotion period, please note that platform fees are charged per order. This is to enable Moomoo SG to continue to improve the user experience, such as improving our technology, providing free market data, creating better analytical tools to improve our platform so that we can serve our users better. Moomoo SG also charges other fees such as GST and regulatory fees.
For more details on this fee adjustment, please visit the Fees page.
Utilisation of the Cash Plus SGD direct withdrawal feature will result in a direct deduction from the SGD money market fund with the lowest 7-day yield. If client's Moomoo Cash Plus holding for the 6.8% p.a. campaign falls under the SGD fund with the lowest 7-day yield, there will be a direct redemption from the fund subscribed to 6.8%p.a. and in turn affect your final return rewards earned under the promotion.
ii. When existing users complete tasks at our offline events, they can get exclusive rewards: Before 2 Feb 2024
Task(s) | Rewards | Exclusive Offline Rewards |
Fresh Deposit S$10,000 and above# | 5.8% p.a. Guaranteed Returns (Max. cumulative of S$80K subscription worth up to S$380, valid for 30 days only)
Fresh Deposit S$30,000 and above# |
| |
Fresh Deposit S$50,000 and above# | 5.8% p.a. Guaranteed Returns (Max. cumulative of S$80K subscription worth up to S$760, valid for 60 days only)
*The net AUM of your account is calculated from 14/11/2023, 10PM SGT onwards. Accumulated fresh fund deposit is calculated based on the net deposit amount starting from 14/11/2023, 10PM SGT (net fresh fund deposit amount = amount deposited - amount withdrawn).
^ Each user can only redeem the cash coupon once in a calendar month based on the total cumulative tiered of the Existing User Promotion, regardless of the number of deposits made during the same calendar month. Cash coupons are non-stackable and will be issued in-app after maintaining the assets for 30/60 days, respectively.
#Gifts may differs for different offline events and will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis. While stocks last.
iii. When existing users complete tasks at our offline events, they can get exclusive rewards: From 2 Feb 2024
Task(s) | Rewards | Exclusive Offline Rewards |
Fresh Deposit S$10,000 and above# | 6.8%p.a. guaranteed for (max. 20 days) - For the first S$50,000 only |
Fresh Deposit S$30,000 and above# |
| |
Fresh Deposit S$50,000 and above# | 6.8%p.a. guaranteed for (max. 40 days) - For the first S$80,000 only |
*The net AUM of your account is calculated from 1/2/2024, 10PM SGT onwards. Accumulated fresh fund deposit is calculated based on the net deposit amount starting from 1/2/2024, 10PM SGT (net fresh fund deposit amount = amount deposited - amount withdrawn).
^ Each user can only redeem the Fund coupon once in a calendar month based on the total cumulative tiered of the Existing User Promotion, regardless of the number of deposits made during the same calendar month. Fund coupons are non-stackable and will be issued in-app after maintaining the assets for 30 days.
#Gifts may differs for different offline events and will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis. While stocks last.
"Additional Deposit" refers to new deposits made after successful registration for this promotion via the existing user promotion landing page.
Utilisation of the Cash Plus SGD direct withdrawal feature will result in a direct deduction from the SGD money market fund with the lowest 7-day yield. If client's Moomoo Cash Plus holding for the 6.8% p.a. campaign falls under the SGD fund with the lowest 7-day yield, there will be a direct redemption from the fund subscribed to 6.8%p.a. and in turn affect your final return rewards earned under the promotion.
Artbox Giveaway:
1. APPL Share (worth S$260)
2. US$10 AAPL Fractional Share
T&Cs for the AAPL Share (worth S$260)
- No deposit required
- Applicable for new and existing Moomoo SG users
- Redemption at Moomoo SG Booth at Artbox
T&Cs for the US$10 AAPL Fractional Shares
- New user only
- Deposit a min. of S$100 and above
- Redemption at Moomoo SG Booth at Artbox
Moomoo SG Booth Sure-win Lucky Dip:
Win up to 1 AAPL Share (worth S$260) and many more!
For new users:
i. Deposita min. of S$3,000 and subscribe at least S$100 into Moomoo Cash Plus , gets 1 try
ii. Deposit a min. of S$10,000 and subscribe at least S$100 into Moomoo Cash Plus, gets 2 tries
For existing users:
i. Fresh deposit a min. of S$10,000 and above into Moomoo SG Universal account, gets 1 try
iii. Fresh deposit a min. of S$50,000 and above into Moomoo SG Universal account, get 2 tries
1.The 1 year commission-free card for SG market will be issued to "Coupons" on the app.
2. The 1 year commission-free card will be used automatically, you will be able to enjoy free commission for SG market (includes only stocks, etfs & reits) when trading.
1. New users who sign up before 10:00 PM SGT on 1/4/2024 can enjoy a 31-day 6.8%p.a. on any selected funds of Moomoo Cash Plus, applicable to the first S$60,000. Any additional subscription above S$60,000 will earn the original fund return. Minimum subscription amounts into Cash Plus is S$0.01/US$0.01.
2. During a negative 7-day yield period, the position in either funds invested will be automatically liquidated. Users will still be entitled to the full 6.8% p.a.cash rewards guaranteed by Moomoo SG.
1. Deposit a cumulative amount of at least S$3,000 and perform 3 cumulative buy trades to 1 x Stock Bundle# (AAPL, NVDA, TSLA, SE, NIO worth S$70). Subsequently, you may deposit an additional of S$7,000 on top of the S$3,000 and perform another 5 cumulative buy trades to receive 3 x Stock Bundle# (AAPL, NVDA, TSLA, SE, NIO worth S$210).
2. After the conditions are met, you will need to click "Claim" on the landing page and the corresponding Stock Bundle will be issued to [ME] > [My Reward].
3. The first Stock Bundle will remain frozen until the assets have been maintained for 31 days and the subsequent 3 Stock Bundle will remain frozen until the assets have been maintained for 90 days. Upon satisfying the designated conditions, the Stock Bundle will be automatically unfrozen and deposited into your Moomoo SG universal account.
The Stock Bundle is given in fractional value (worth 0.05 fraction of 1 AAPL share, 0.02 fraction of 1 NVDA share, 0.04 fraction of 1 TSLA share, 0.2 fraction of 1 SE share and 1.4 fraction of 1 NIO share, which is equivalent to US$10/share.) As of 12/12/2023, 1 AAPL share is at US$196, 1 NVDA share is at US$476, 1 TSLA share is at US$237, 1 SE share is at US$38 and 1 NIO share is at US$7.
The total value of 1 x Stock Bundle is worth S$70. Based on conversion rate of 1.35 on 12/12/2023. Please note that the final rewards worth in value will fluctuate according to market conditions.
Existing users who have successfully opened a Moomoo SG universal account before 10:00 PM SGT on 23/1/2024 and have not successfully deposited any amount into their Moomoo SG universal account will be eligible to receive deposit rewards.
You can only deposit in the following currencies: SGD, USD & HKD.
S$3,000 / US$ 2,222 / HK$ 17,220
S$10,000 / US$ 7,407 / HK$ 57,400
S$100,000 / US$ 74,074 / HK$ 574,000
Based on conversion rate of 1.35 for USD and 5.74 for HKD on 12/12/2023.
Moomoo SG offers a 31 days 6.8% p.a. guaranteed return on any choice of money market fund of Moomoo Cash Plus. The minimum subscription amount to enjoy 6.8% p.a. Moomoo Cash Plus guaranteed returns is S$0.01/ US$0.01 and the maximum subscription amount is S$60,000/ US$45,000. Clients may choose to invest in their preferred money market fund.
Moomoo SG will top up the difference in cash rewards to ensure that eligible clients receive a guaranteed return of a 6.8% p.a.
With a maximum subscription of S$60,000, you can receive up to S$340, which includes the original fund return and the top-up from Moomoo SG.
You can subscribe to either USD Cash Plus or SGD Cash Plus. Depending on your choice of fund, 6.8%p.a guaranteed return will apply to the first S$60,000 and its equivalent in other currencies (S$60,000/ US$45,000).
Moomoo SG only guarantees up to 31 days 6.8%p.a. Return. Principal amount is not guaranteed.
The 31 days term will commence upon your first confirmed subscription into USD/ SGD Cash Plus. For example, if your confirmed subscription to Moomoo Cash Plus commenced on 1/2/2024, your final day of enjoyment for 6.8% p.a. guaranteed returns will be on 2/3/2024.
If you choose Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund or CSOP USD Money Market Fund and subscribe before 9:00 am on the same day, the returns will be confirmed on the same day. If you subscribe after 9 am on the same day, the returns will be calculated from the next day.
If you choose the Fullerton SGD Cash Fund and subscribe before 12 pm on the same day, the shares will be confirmed on the next day. And if you subscribe after 12 pm on the same day, the shares will be confirmed on the 3rd day. In the event of public holidays, the event will begin on the next trading day.
Upon registeration on the event page and completing your deposit, you must complete a specified amount of buy trades (include buying stocks, options, ETFs or funds only) before 9:59PM SGT, 8/4/2024.
Daily Extra Return = Daily Holding * (6.8% – Daily Yield of the Cash Plus Fund Selected by the Client) * 31 / 365. The total extra returns will be credited to your Moomoo SG universal account in a lump sum as a cash reward within seven business days after the end of the 31-day period.
No, you do not need to complete the subscription on the event page. Once you have registered during the Campaign Period, you can purchase Cash Plus via the app directly. 31-day 6.8% p.a will apply to the first S$60,000 and its equivalent in other currencies and to only the first choice of fund that you have subscribed to under Moomoo Cash Plus.
You can redeem your investment in the fund at any time, but the 31-day extra return period will not be paused. Your first subscription into Moomoo Cash Plus activates the 31-day period with a 6.8% p.a. guaranteed return, and you can redeem or increase your holding to the maximum subscription at any time during this period. Enjoyment period ends after 31 days and total top up returns from Moomoo SG based on your daily subscription value within this 31 days will be calculated. Top up will be credited into your Moomoo SG Universal Account within the next 3 trading days.
Your initial subscription activates the 31-day extra return period, which continues to count down even after selling your position. As long as you are still within the 31-day period, you may resubscribe to the same chosen fund and benefit from the remaining extra return period.
When the 31-day extra return period ends, you will no longer enjoy the extra returns, but you can continue to receive earnings from the fund itself. The extra returns will be credited to your account within 7 business days after 31 days of your initial order.
During times of negative returns for seven consecutive days, the fund will be automatically liquidated. However, Moomoo SG will still provide you with the guaranteed return of 6.8% p.a., 31-day period based on your daily subscription value and holding days.
The three eligible funds are CSOP USD Money Market Fund, Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund, and Fullerton SGD Cash Fund.
Invitation rewards, see here.
1. The rewards and offers in this campaign/promotion (“Campaign/Promotion”) are provided by Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd. ("Moomoo SG”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Futu Holdings Limited. By participating in this Campaign/Promotion, you undertake to have carefully read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Campaign/Promotion (“Terms and Conditions”), as well as the terms and conditions of the existing Client Agreement. Moomoo SG has the final decision on the eligibility of participants in this Campaign/Promotion.
2. Moomoo SG reserves the right to: (i) amend these Campaign/Promotion Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice to you, and (ii) change, withdraw or terminate any offer or reward without disclosing the reason and without making compensation or remuneration. Any adjustments or decisions made by Moomoo SG in connection with this Campaign/Promotion shall be binding on all participants.
3. You shall be responsible for any telephone, internet and other charges that may be incurred.
4. You can only open one universal account with Moomoo SG. Moomoo SG does not allow one person to open a universal account on behalf of another person (i.e. non-beneficial owners are not allowed to open accounts). Please do not open the universal account if you are not the ultimate beneficial owner. If your universal account shows signs of fraud, abuse, or suspicious activity, such as the use of multiple accounts or devices, Moomoo SG may, at its sole discretion, confiscate your reward entitlements and limit your opportunities to participate in future Campaign/Promotion.
5. Each device, whether mobile or computer, can only receive one set of account opening bonus, deposit bonus and/or referral bonus. The same user can only be invited once. The same moomoo account, the same mobile phone number, and the same device are all regarded as representing the same user.
6. In Singapore, the investment products available through the moomoo app are offered by Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd., a dealer licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Moomoo SG is a licensed entity registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) (License No..CMS101000). The moomoo App is a trading platform provided by Moomoo Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of Futu Holdings Limited. Nothing in connection with this Campaign/Promotion shall be construed as an offer, invitation or recommendation to buy or sell securities, futures or other investment products. Moomoo SG does not provide investment advice and does not recommend any securities or transactions. All types of investments involve risk, and you may suffer losses. All information and data on the webpage are for informational purposes only. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This Campaign/Promotion does not consider your investment objectives, financial situation or financial needs.
7. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and any advertising, promotion, promotional and other materials relating to or in connection with this Campaign/Promotion, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
8. Moomoo SG shall not be responsible for any injury, loss or damage suffered as a result of, or in connection with the Campaign/Promotion and/or redemption or use of the prize/rewards howsoever arising, including but not limited to, fulfilment of the prizes/rewards, any breakdown or malfunction in any computer system or equipment, any notice which is misdirected and/or lost in the post, loss of income, profits or goodwill, direct or indirect, incidental, consequential, exemplary, punitive or special damages of any party including third parties howsoever arising whether in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, cancellation, suspension or termination by Moomoo SG of this Campaign/Promotion shall not entitle any party to any claim or compensation against Moomoo SG for any and all losses or damage suffered or incurred directly or indirectly resulting therefrom.
9. Any trademarks, graphic symbols, logos or intellectual property contained in any materials relating to this Campaign/Promotion, particularly in connection with the rewards/prizes, are the property of their respective owners. Moomoo SG does not provide any financial advice, endorsement or sponsorship of its products or services.
10. This Campaign/Promotion is not eligible to users whose names are on the "Moomoo SG Event Participation Ban List". If a user repeatedly violates safety rules of Moomoo SG, their name will be added to the "Moomoo SG Event Participation Ban List".
11. Should a user not fulfil all the stated conditions of this Campaign/Promotion, Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd. reserves the right to cancel any delivered rewards, including commission-free trading for US/SG stocks, gift stocks, Level 2 US market data, Level 2 SG market data, Level 1 China-A share market data and Level 1 HK market data. Commissions and fees will then be charged by Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd. as per normal standards.
12. The fee adjustment such as the US stock commission-free fee is applicable to (i) Singapore citizens; or (ii) non-Singapore citizens residing in Singapore with a valid proof of address which can be either a bill or bank statement within the past 3 months prior to opening the account, or the Singpass residential address in Singapore (if using Singpass for account opening); or (iii) other eligible clients confirmed by Moomoo SG. This fee adjustment applies only to individual clients. Moomoo SG reserves the right to change to whom (eligible clients) this fee adjustment applies.
13. While Moomoo SG guarantees up to 31 days 6.8% p.a. extra return, there is no assurance that Moomoo SG will be able to fulfill its obligations under such guarantee should an unforeseen event affect the going concern of the company.
14. Currently, Moomoo SG limits sign-ups to a limited group of nationalities. Please click on the drop-down box during your account opening process to see if your nationality is available on the list.
15. Where forced liquidation occurs during the event period, subsequent fund yield movements will no longer be monitored by Moomoo SG. Moomoo SG will not automatically initiate any forms of re-subscription after the force liquidation, and you will not be able to re-invest into the underlying fund during the negative 7-day annualized yield period. Should you wish to re-invest into the same fund when it reaches back to a positive 7-day annualized yield, you shall monitor the market conditions on your own. Should another negative 7-day annualized yield occur during the reinvested period, the same forced liquidation will happen. Moomoo SG will still guarantee 6.8% p.a. return rewards as long as the user has a positive position during the remaining holding period.
16. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.