The estimated yield provides investors with information to evaluate the potential profitability of a fund.
It represents an annualized data obtained by calculating the average Net Asset Value (NAV) increase of the fund over a specified number of trading days. This data is used to generate an expected future yield of the fund.
The management fees of the fund are already included in the returns shown on the app page. The yield information is usually updated daily after the NAV of the fund has been updated.
7-Day Yield (%) = (NAV on T Day – NAV on T-7 Day) / NAV on T-7 Day / Number of Calendar Days between T-7 and T * 365 * 100%
1-Month Yield (%) = (NAV on T Day – NAV on T-30 Day) / NAV on T-30 Day / Number of Calendar Days between T-30 and T * 365 * 100%
T-7: Trading Day - 7
T-30: Trading Day - 30
Risk Disclaimer
1. As fund returns fluctuate, past performance does not guarantee future returns. The estimated yield (expected returns) data provided is for reference only.
2. The dividend amount or dividend rate of a fund is not guaranteed.
3. Fund performance is calculated on a NAV-to-NAV basis, which includes reinvested dividends to accurately reflect capital gains and income generated for investors.